Свод знаний по управлению бизнес-процессами: BPM CBOK 4.0 (Авторов) - страница 245


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40. Van Veen, Fjodor and Stefan Leijnen. 2019. «A Mostly Complete Chart of Neural Networks». Utrecht, Netherlands: The Asimov Institute. asimovinstitute.org/neural-network-zoo.

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44. Whittle, Ralph, and Conrad B. Myrick. 2005. «Enterprise Business Architecture: The Formal Link Between Strategy and Results». 31. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach.

Глава 9

1. Aalst, Wil van der, and Kees Max van Hee. 2004. «Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems». Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

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