Остаться трезвым – Руководство по профилактике срыва (Горски) - страница 116

166. Bean, M., "Alcoholica Anonymous I,"Psychiatric Annals.1975(a>, 5(21, 7-61.

167. Bean. M. "Alcohoffca Anonymous II," Psyctifatrfe Annals.197S(b(, 5(3t, 7-57. 168. Bean, Margaret, Clinical Implications of Models for Recovery from Alcoholism. In Th” Aod/cUva Bahavlors,Shatter, Howard and Barry, Sttmmel leds.l. The Hawonh Press, Inc., )964, Pp. 91-104,

169. Blane, H. T,, Psychotherapautfc Approach. In Tha Biology ofAlcoholism, TrMtment andRahabifi-fat/on oftho Chfonic Alcoholic (Vol. 5f. Q-, Kissin and H, Begleiter (eds.). New York, Plenum, 1977. pp 160-160, 1977,

170. Brown, Stephanie. Treating th” Alcoholic; A Devsfofimantal Modal of Racovory.New York, John Wiley & Sons. 1986.

171. Forrest, Gary Q., Intwwiva Psychotherapy of Alcoholism, Springfield, Illinois, Chariw C. Thomas Publisher, 1964.

172. Gorski, TerenceT.,Tha Davalopmantal Mod”lof Racovoiy-A Workshop Manual.TheCENAPS Corporation, Hazel Crest, Illinois, 1986.

173. Haielcfsn Foundation, Inc. The Caring Community Serlas.Center City, Minnesota, 197S. No. 1;The Naw Awaranass.No,2: Identification. No. 3:Implementation.

No. 4; m“Crisis.


No. 6:OMiIng with Dan/a/.

No. 7: Th* Haw Understanding.

No, 8;Winning by losing—Tim Decision.

No. 9; Pwsomif Inventory ft Planned Ha-Cntry..

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174. Miller. Marlene, Gorski, Terence T., and Miller, David K.,Learning to Uv“ Again-a Ou/da to Racovary from Alcoholism. lndep“n4ence, Missouri, Independance Press, 1982, pp. 123-128.

175. Mulford, H., "Stages in the Alcoholic Process." Journal of StudiesonAlcohol. 1977,38(31, 563-683.

176. Rubinsron, E,, "The First Year of Abstinence: Notes on an Exploratory Study." Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 1981, 41(6>, 577-582.

177. Tiebout, Harry M., "Therapeutic Mechanisms of Alcoholics Anonymous," American Journal of Psychiatry, 1947,

178. Wiseman, J. P., "Sober Comportment; Patterns and Perspectives of Alcohol Addiction." Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 1961,42(1), 106-126.

179. Zimberg, N, E,, Psychotherapy in the Treatmant of Alcoholism. In Encyclopedic Handbook of Alcoholism, E, M. Pattison and E. Kaufman (eds.l. New York. Gardner Press, 1982, pp. 999-1011.


“Анонимные алкоголики” (АА) и связанные с этим сообществом группы очень помогли миллионам людей выздоравливать от болезни зависимости. Приведенные ниже книги – это частичный список литературы АА и других подобных групп, которая часто используется в подходах к химической и поведенческой зависимостям, основанных на принципе самопомощи.