Сборник "Отмычка" (Неизвестен, Чайковски) - страница 38

And we can all still live." Seichan backed away and waved Renny aside.

Despite Vennard’s grandiose vision, he was not suicidal. She took him at his word. He would refrain from blowing up the catacombs, at least until he himself got clear.

Vennard studied her, attempting to read her. A good cult leader needed a keen eye to judge people, to predict their actions. He slowly moved forward, step-by-step, toward the exit, pushing Seichan ahead of him.

"You want to live as much as any of us, Seichan.

Yes, it took me a moment, but I recognize you now.

From what I’ve read, you were always reasonable.

None of us need to die this-" A sword burst from the center of his chest, thrust through from behind.

"We must all die!" Gabriel yelled as Vennard fell to his knees. "Liesl cannot ascend without the proper sacrifice. Blood and fire. You said so. To become the angels you promised!" Gabriel shoved the sword deeper as madness, grief, and exaltation glowed in his face. Blood poured from Vennard’s mouth.

Seichan dropped her pistol and lunged forward, grabbing for the transmitter with both hands. She got her finger over the trigger before Vennard could let go. Nose to nose, he stared back at her, his eyes shining with disbelief and shock-but also with understanding.

In the end, he had reaped what he had sown.

Gabriel yanked back on the hilt and kicked away Vennard’s body to free the blade. Seichan fell to her backside, getting tangled as the cult leader fell on top of her. Gabriel raised his sword high with both hands, ready to plunge it into Seichan.

But Renny stepped behind him and cracked him in the back of the skull with the butt of his rifle. Gabriel’s eyes rolled back, and his body crumpled to the floor.

"What a loony bampot," Renny said.

He came forward to help Seichan up, but she waved to the altar. "Go free Jolienne." He stared down at the transmitter clutched in her hands. "Is it over?" Seichan caught the glint of steel shining above his scarf.

"Not yet." With the midday sun cresting high overhead, Seichan waited beside the parked Peugeot 508 sedan in front of the Ritz Paris. The rental had been arranged by Dr. Claude Beaupre to transport them from the Latin Quarter to the rendezvous back at the hotel.

As a precaution, she kept the sedan between her and the doors to the hotel. Additionally, she had Renny retreat to the square of the Place Vendome.

Jolienne was safe at a local hospital, having the cut on her neck treated. He had wanted to stay with her, but Seichan still needed him.