TANTRA (Пилюгин) - страница 6

However, such write next to the word Tantra sex is a crime. Tantric sex, raving lunatic. There was not, and never will be in Tantra sex. No where both men have Master. There is no sex, remember, sex for the simple conceiving children. There is nothing in it for love or for love. Hence the phrase sounds right, we have sex or do sex. This work, according to the conception and the creation of offspring. But Tantra created Creator of all things, for making love, men and women love receiving. You just realize it is a family practice, this energy practice, or two centuries ago, told a magical practice. Magic of Love, but the magic of sex, sex is no magic, sex is not created and conceived for love, it is the process of conception of children. That is why the excluded sex orgasms for women, there are only ejaculation in men. And yet, priest to the pope and to sleep in the hope that soon you will be three. In Tantra, sleep for a long time do not have, in contrast to the sex is not a quick process, not at the moment calculated.

Ask why such a wild division? After all, you are the society teaches that sex is the hallmark of love. I will explain why love and sex are separated tightly.

Well, first of all, having sex and calling it love, you're trying to steal from the Creator that he created for what would be the world lived moving along the path of love and creation, that is, to steal union with Jehovah. Steal something from the Creator of all things, which is thought to be impossible. You steal from yourself the opportunity to love and be loved, or loved one. During the second is the Creator created everything. Including Lord of the ADA, or the Universal "I" selfish Universal. What for? Not Inscrutable are the ways of the Creator. I am not going to discuss his actions. Created, then the devil that lives in each of the people, for some reason needed. I guess that would not oskotinivatsya, wrestling with his I elevate the soul, moving it closer to the Creator. A move away from the status of a humanoid makes it love, because everything in nature is able to have sex, but only knows how to LOVE PEOPLE.

Third, remember the last man sent people to help, Jesus, Jesus preaching in the main, the Creator is love. Love can not exist in the one who lives for the sake of the self, that is, serves as a personal demon, servant of the Devil. Love - is the service of a loved one, giving up of the self and, consequently, on the Way of the Lord-Devil. What do you try to live? Sex with a "favorite" person, this is a simple physiology, as an act of human relations, I would say exactly the act of intercourse between man and woman. Relations - 1. The most common value: maintaining relationships, interaction and connection between people and / or groups. 2. A special value: the exchange of affects, emotions. 3. The most special meaning: see sexual intercourse.. See for yourself, intercourse, under item 1, you maintain a relationship with your partner, do you have with them interaction and communication. This means, in terms of current youth at a rave, you fun together. You hang out and bathing you with convenient. According to paragraph 2, have the exchange of information and common experiences, they are called - passion. Finally, under paragraph 3, sex. Relations between the sexes, it acts according to the pledged gender, where a man uses a member, and the woman their secondary characteristics. This social action, possibly taken in the present society, but nothing to do with love without. You are trying to convince everyone that you LYUBOYUV, but it's not her, it's a social game. IT'S A LIE. Not misleading, that's a lie and slander of the world created by the Creator. Users can choose the Path of Love, or the path to the Great I am, but do not need to lie, going to the Great egoist that you self-sacrifice and selfless love your partner. In the social love everything revolves around the two "I" him and her. And nothing to do with service to her or him. As such love? I can not without it, I find it hard to live, who will support me and to please? Who will give me free sex, at any time? So they agreed. This is a contract between two ego, and no it is not love, not great vulgarise given to Jesus: "Love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love "(1 John 4: 7-8.).