TANTRA (Пилюгин) - страница 8

You spoil everything just created, and most importantly, spoiled all the threads of streams, and instead of good will harm suffered. Repeat Tantra wife can no earlier than three days. Although, if you do it the first time, it is possible and more often.

Tantra can make any man, but will do only one to whom she will get a virgin. Otherwise, she is doomed to always naked sex, with a length of 3-5 minutes. Because even if he is able to move in you long, you do not like this arose after the illness and feel. The least - is thrush.

Why are so connected virginity and Tantra? First you need to understand what virginity. Virginity - is inherent information-energy package, the blood of each woman. Energy is every girl. If you replace the word energy, more of its old name, it turned out - magic is every girl. The only difference is that the possession of a source of magic is directly related to the shape of the uterus, as a generator of Energy-magic.

Forms are only two, round and rectangular uterus. And as a result, types of women, only two conventionally refer to as we do, with my wives, the type of faith - this is where the bellies rectangular, these girls are more likely to try to show your belly. And the type of Hope - is the one with the round belly, and as a consequence, a very beautiful figure and booty. This type is not a narrow pelvis, they do not like to show its belly.

The energy-package is a definite, their number, magic, energy stored in the womb, until the right moment, when deprived of virginity package fired for a meeting with the sperm. At this point, the meeting of her blood and his semen, to carry out tests on love, it is a very important step for both. Since, if the test on a man's love for a woman is passed there will be, of the consequences, the blood curse cursed sperm of who opened the package, he did, and curse the fact that without Love, deprived her virginity, because if there is no unison of information flows , dissonance occurs, what is dissonance?

This lack of harmony, euphony simultaneous sounding two or more tones inconsonant, and in this case, no tones and flow of information and energy.

Such defilement provokes the launch of a very large number of programs in the DNA of women, and unfortunately, viral.

But man, you do not think that you are not concerned that so commonly believed this type them female. And you, like water off a duck, right?

No-oo-oo, is responsible and you too, you at the cellular level, changing energy of health, it may be up to memento mori (Latin. Mementō morī «remember that [have] to die", "Memento Mori", " remember that death ") reached depends on the strength of energy girl.