Расколдовывая Юнга: от апологетики к критике (Менжулин) - страница 155

XXII (1906), 145–162

   107. Jung, C.G. “Experimental Observations on the Faculty of Memory”, In: Collected Works, 2:272–287.

   108.  Jung, C.G. “Freud and Jung: Contrasts”, In: Collected Works, 4:333­340.

   109.  Jung, C.G. “In Memory of Sigmund Freud”, In: Collected Works, 15:41—


1 lO.Jung, C.G. “New Paths in Psychology”. In: Collected Works, 7:267­290.

   111. Jung, C.G. “On Hysterical Misreading”, In: Collected Works, 1:89— 92.

   112. Jung, C.G. “On Psychological Understanding”. In: Collected Works, 3:189.

   113. Jung, C.G. “On Simulated Insanity”, In: Collected Works, 1:159–187.

   114. Jung, C.G. “Sigmund Freud and His Historical Setting”, In: Collected Works, 15:33–40;

   115. Jung, C.G. Analytical Psychology: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1925 by C.G.Jung, edited by William McGuire (Princeton University Press, 1989).

   116. Jung, C.G. Civilization in Transition. In: Collected Works, vol 10 (New York: Pantheon Books, 1964).

   117. Jung, C.G. Memories, Dreams, Reflections (New York: Random House, 1961).

118 Jung, C.G. Nietzsche’s "ZarathustraNotes of the Seminar Given in 1934–1939, ed. James Jarrett, 2 vols. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988).

   119.  Jung, C.G. The Psychology of Dementia Praecox, In: Collected Works, 2:127.

   120.  Jung, C.G The Zofingia Lectures, translated by Jan van Heurck with an introduction by Marie–Louise von Franz. In: Collected Works, Supplementary Vojume A (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983).

   121. Jung, C.G. Transcendent Fiinction, trans. A.R.Pope (Zurich: The Students’ Association, C.G.Jung Institute, 1957).

   122. Jung, C.G. und Kerényi, К Eine Einführung in das Wesen der Mythologie (Zurich: Rascher, 1941).

   123. Jung, C.G. Zur Psychologie und Pathologie sogenannter occulter Phânomén: Eine psychiatrische Studie (Leipzig,Mutze, 1902).

   124. Kerr, J. A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, & Sabina Spielrein (New York: Vintage Books, 1994).

   125. Kirchhoff, T., ed., Deutsche Irrenärzte: Einzelbilder ihres Lebens und Wirkens, 2 vols. (Berlin, Verlag Von Julius Springer, 1921, 1924).

   126. Kohut, H. "Creativeness, charisma, group psychology: Reflections on the Self–Analysis of Freud”, in: Freud: The Fusion of Science and Humanism, ed. J.E.Gedo and G.H.Pollock (New York: International Universities Press), 379–425.

   127. Kohut, H. The Analysis of the Self (New York: International Universities Press, 1971).

   128. Kolle, K., ed., Gresse Nervenärzte, 3 vols. (Stutgart, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1956, 1959,1963).