История татар. Том IV. Татарские государства XV-XVIII вв. (Авторов) - страница 1281

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Keenan, 1965 — Keenan E. Muscovy and Kazan, 1445–1552: a study in steppe politics / Ph.D. dissertation by Edward Louis Keenan, Jr. Harvard, 1965. 7. XIII. 429 leaves.

Keenan, 1967 — Keenan E. Muscovy and Kazan: Some Introductory Remarks on the Patterns of Steppe Diplomacy // Slavic Review. 1967. Vol. 26. N. 4.

Keenan, 1967a — Keenan E. The Paradoxes of the Kazanskaya Istorya // The Annals of the Ukrainian Academy of Science in the US. Vol. XXXI–XXXII. New York, 1967.

Keenan, 1969 — Keenan E. The Yarlyk of Akhmad-xan to Ivan III: A New Reading // International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics. 1969. Vol. 12.

Keenan, 1986 — Keenan E. Muscovite Political Folkways // Russian Review. 1986. Vol. 45.

Kennedy, 1994 — Kennedy C. The Juchids of Muscovy: a study of personal ties between émigré Tatar dynasts and the Muscovite grand princes in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries / Ph.D. dissertation by Craig Gayen Kennedy. Harvard, 1994. 238 leaves.

Kennedy, 1995 — Kennedy C. Fathers, Sons, and Brothers: Ties of Metaphorical Kinship Between the Muscovite Grand Princes and the Tatar Elite // Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1995. Vol. 19.

Kellner-Heinkele, 1975 — Kellner-Heinkele, Barbara. Aus den Aufzeichnungen des Sa’id Giray Sultan. Eine zeitgenossische Quelle zur Geschichte des Chanats der Krim um die Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Hamburg, 1975.

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Karpat, 2003 — Kemal H.Karpat. Urbanismul otoman: Emigraţia din Crimeea spre Dobrogea şi întemeierea oraşului Medgidia (1856–1878). Tătarii în istorie şi în lume. Bucureşti, 2003.

Kırımlı, 1960 — Kırımlı. Yusuf ile Züleyha. İstanbul, 1960.

Kizilov, 2005 — Kizilov M.B. The Black Sea and the Slave Trade: The Role of the Crimean Maritime Towns in the Trade in Slaves and Captives in the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries // International Journal of Maritime History. XVII. № 1 (June 2005).

Koç, 2012 — Koç, D. Aşaği İdil boyunda hâkimiyet mücadelesi ücadelesi ve Astarhan (Haci Tarhan) Hanliği // Türk Dünyası Incelemeleri Dergisi / Journal of Turkish World Studies. 2012. Cilt: XII. Sayı: 1.

Kolankowski, 1930 — Kolankowski L. Dzieje Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego za Jagiellonуw. Warszawa, 1930.