Велимир Хлебников (Старкина) - страница 256

Vroon R. Four analogues to Xlebnikov\'s «Language of the Gods» // The Structure of the Literary Process: Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Felix Vodicka. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1982. (Ling. and Lit. Studies in East Europe. 8).

Vroon R. V. Khlebnikov\'s «И если в Харьковские птицы…»: Manuscript Sources and Subtexts // Russian Review (Stanford). 1983. Vol. 42, № 3.

Vroon R. Velimir Xlebnikov\'s Shorter Poems: a Key to the Coinages. Ann Arbor, 1983. (Michigan Slavic materials. Vol. 22).

Vroon R. «Puti tvorchestva»: The Journal as a Metapoetic Statement // Russian Literature and American Critics: In Honor of Deming Brown. Ann arbor, 1984. (Papers in Slavic Philology. 4).

Vroon R. Velimir Xlebnikov\'s Krysa: A Commentary. Stanford, 1989. (Stanford Slavic Studies. Vol. II).

Vroon R. The Old Belief and Sectarianism as Cultural Models in the Silver Age // Christianity and the Eastern Slavs. Vol. II: Russian Culture in Modern Times / Ed. R. Hughes & I. Paperno. Univ. of California Press, 1994. (California Slavic Studies, 17).

Vroon R. Velimir Khlebnikov\'s Otryvki iz dosok syd\'by: Notes on the Publication History and Three Rough Drafts // Темы и вариации: Сборник статей и материалов к 50-летию Лазаря Флейшмана. Stanford, 1994. (Stanford Slavic Studies. Vol. 8).

Vroon R. A Poet\'s Abdiction: V. Khlebnikov\'s Otkaz and its Pretexts // The Slavonic and East European Review. 2000. Vol. 78, № 4.

Vroon R., Hacker A. V. Khlebnikov\'s Perevorot v Vladivostoke: History and Historiography // Russian Review. 2001. № 60.

Weststeijn W. Velimir Chlebnikov and the Development of Poetical Language in Russian Symbolism and Futurism. Amsterdam, 1983. (Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics. Vol. 4).

Weststejn W. Die Mythisierung des lyrischen Ich der Poesie V. Chlebnikov // Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. 1987. Sbd. 20. (Mythos in der slavischen Moderne).

Russian Literature (Amsterdam). Спец. выпуск, посвященный В. Хлебникову. 1981. Vol. IX. № I. Содержание: Baran H. Xlebnikov\'s «Vesennego Korana»: An Analysis; Holthusen J. Die Sphjre der Metaphern in Velimir Xlebnikovs Gedicht «Derevo»; L?nnqvist B. Xlebnikov\'s «Imaginist» Poem; Брик O. M. О Хлебникове / Публ. Б. Янгфельдта; Weststeijn W. G. Simile in Xlebnikov\'s «Zuravl»; Baran H. The Problem of Composition in Velimir Xlebnikov\'s Texts; Vroon R. Velimir Xlebnikov\'s «Xadzhi-Tarxan» and the Lomonosovian Tradition.

Russian Literature (Amsterdam). Спец. выпуск, посвященный В. Хлебникову. 1995. Vol. XXXVIII, № IV. Содержание: Бирюкова А. С.