Google. Прошлое. Настоящее. Будущее (Лау) - страница 179

. – 2007. – November 15.

26. Moon 2.0 – NASA Projects Could Be Supported by a Commercial Transport and Delivery Network // – 2008. – October 31.

27. Google Founders Have Grown Up.

28. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

29. Там же, с. 29.

30. Randy Komisar of Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers, Endeavor Entrepreneurs' Summit, Stanford University Entrepreneurship Corner.

31. Jerry Yang and David Filo // Stanford University School of Engineering biography.

32. Shivanand Kanavi. Mathematician at Heart // Business India. – 2004. – May 24 – June 6.

33. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

34. John Batteile. The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture. – New York: Penguin Group, 2005. – С 68.

35. Там же, с. 90.

36. Mark Malseed. The Story of Sergey Brin. – С. 47.1

2. Под надзором старших

1. Eric Auchard. Google Execs Pledge to Be Coworkers for Years // Extreme – 2008. – January 15.

2. Tim O'Reilly. Web 2.0 Definition: Trying Again // – 2006. – December 10.

3. Abbey Klaassen. Talk about a Power Lunch // Advertising Age. – 2007. – October 15. – С 52.

4. Eric Schmidt. NASA 50>th Anniversary Lecture. – 2008. – January 17

5. Google Founders Have Grown Up // Reuters. – 2008. – May 9.

6. Джим Крамер. Интервью с Эриком Шмидтом в передаче Mad Money with Jim Cramer (CNBC) 2.11.2008.

7 Там же.

8. НэнсиЛитвак-Стронг. Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO, Qualifies as Mensch (письмо редактору) // Denver Post, – 2008. – November 9.

9. Eric Schmidt. NASA 50>th Anniversary Lecture.

3. Начало

1. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

2. Google Corporate Information. –

3. Robert Colvile. Google at Ten: How Did One Company Become Such a Part of Our Lives, So Fast?" The Telegraph. – 2008. – September 4.

4. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

5. Yuval Sa'ar. The Israeli Woman behind the Google Logo // www.haaretz. com. – 2008. – February 11.

6. AOL May Become Object of Microsoft, Yahoo! Google's Desires // – 2008. – July 21.

7. Marissa Mayer. Блог Google. – 2008. – September 12. – www.

8. Microsoft CEO: No Interest in Buying Yahoo! // Associated Press (Sydney, Australia). – 2008. – November 7

9. Jefferson Graham. The House that Helped Build Google // USA Today. – 2007– July 4.

10. Science as Inspiration (речь Ларри Пейджа), Entrepreneur Thought Leader Speakers, YouTube. – 2002. – May 1.