"Н" значит : Надежда [поэзия] (Озорнин) - страница 7

Of common folk who were just wise.
I cannot say that they were right,
For modern us they don't seem bright,
Still they did not posses believes
That are the source of endless grief.
The one I call the truly wise
Is that who has no prejudice,
The one who has the clear sight,
For only he will make things right.
One day you'll act as you see fit
And thus refuse some other's bid
To make it way it ought to be,
And once you've made it - you are free.


My wrath is stronger than the will,
The wrath is only what I feel
And I will tear those apart
Who dare mock my bleeding heart !
Move off my way, you jackal’s sons !
I'll smash your faces, laughing ones
And I will teach you how to play
With love and heart, with dream and pray !
You'll dare not to say it so
Or soon you shall be ones in row,
Or soon you'll play your final part
And rest in peace in the graveyard !
I will bury those ones in tombs,
Who dare be those dumbest lambs
And will continue to persist
In making this all-tortures feast !
My wrath is stronger than you all !
I may go down, I may fall,
But I shall see you've paid your price
With own pain without size !
I am no victim and no serf
And for the kindness I won't starve,
I will bury it from you all,
You jackals soon will pay your toll !
The wrath, my wrath, it does descend,
It is so hot ... like desert sand,
And it's the desert in myself …
I'm long too thirsty and do starve.
But I won't drink my own tears,
I'll throw away those fucked fears,
I may be mad, I may be ill ...
Move off my way - for I will kill !

Еще один

There were many, and were few,
And each of them was somewhat new,
Yet each was but another mew …
So soon away I always flew.
And I can't help but to forget
How meeting each I was so glad,
And how I then buried my hope...
This endless quest will never stop.
I was afraid to be alone,
But long ago those fears gone.
You know the bright sight of the thing?
This search for you gave me one wing.
Is that enough for endless fly
Up to the heaven, up for sky,
Or will I have to find that one
That will be second wing to sun?
Another one, another one ...
Such cruel joke...that ain't fun !
Reborn each time, reborn and mope !
Oh god, will this quest ever stop ?!
The wing has melted, feathers lost,
I am no one, I am but ghost,
Who thought of love as of life's mother
And who for it is yet another.
There were many, but so few,
To be alone just isn't new,
I thought of each as someone other...
But each of them is yet another.

Больная тема

У меня больная темка - я не знаю, есть ли стенка,
Чтобы мне бы разбежаться, чтобы смелости набраться -