Людям Настоящего (Озорнин) - страница 2

The time will pass, the world will shift,
And virtue will once show a rift,
For there is thing that's truly sad ...
There are no knights - they all are dead.

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When time will come for you to die
Will you behave like shocked guy?
Or will prefer to keep your silence?
Or rush and cry with hate in violence?
And how you'll rate your used life -
Two? Three? Four? Five?
And who will be with your that time?
And what was your life's biggest crime?
And what the question you will ask
Before it is your final dusk?
And will you face without fear
Her silent gaze, which would be near?
And what will be your final words,
Are they melodious chords?
Or will they sound just like this :
"Oh death, hold on ! I beg you, please !"?
There is much time now to decide
Before it is your final night,
Until it is your final dusk
How will you answer, being asked.
For judging way of how you died
One understands of how you lived,
It may be most important thought …
And all the other matters not.

Любовь и ненависть судьбу твою творят

Love and hate will brew your fate,
Open divine, hellish gate,
Make or crush your human being,
Burn your eyes or give new seeing.
You was once a man of pride
Who was many times but right,
Something like enlightened man
With a wisdom in your pen.
Of the love you tried to say,
Helping strangers on your way,
Writing poems at your leisure,
Living life with all its pleasure...
All until you start to hate
Other humans on earth plate,
Who were full of sins and evils,
Who did look like just as devils.
Was you right to feel as such,
In disgust escaping touch,
Turning back in thought and action,
Cursing their breed and faction?
They, perhaps, were distant ones,
Though they too were divine sons,
Though they too were God's creation,
Though they too were population.
It's now different you feel -
Heart was locked with a seal...
Oh, where has gone your sanity?
It's all but like insanity...
With a headache in your head,
With your eyes of color red,
With the illness of your mind
Will again peace you find?
Love and hate decide your fate,
Closing hellish, divine gate,
Killing or reborn your being,
Give new sight or end your seeing...


Slow down, friend, you've worked fine
For endless months staying till nine,
And worked like a caged pet,
Whose health became his crazy bet.
All hoping to contribute much
To your new home place as of such
And please the rulers of the match,
Who are too far to be of touch.
But you will find no treasure chest
In a society like wasp's nest.
A test of will, a test of faith...
How have they called this madness' race?