Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 58

"Your Majesty," Sahila said, bowing low. Behind him, the others did the same until Tris motioned for them to rise. "We offer our thanks and our loyalty. Your gift is beyond price."

"What was stolen from you can't be replaced," Tris replied. "But your loved ones rest with the Lady. They're at peace."

Sahila made a sign of blessing. "You and your soldiers may sleep without fear tonight, my king."

Tris inclined his head. "Thank you." When the families of the Scirranish withdrew to their encampment, the soldiers returned to their evening chores, and Soterius appeared at Tris's side.

"Are you sure you're up to going to Hunt-wood?" Soterius asked, refilling Tris's cup and guiding him to a seat. "You look like you're going to fall over."

"Really? Then I'm doing better than I thought." The night was chill. He startled as a soft footfall came on the other side, and looked up to see Mikhail.

The vayash moru bowed. "We've secured the forest's edge. The wolves won't disturb you." He glanced over at Soterius. "I promised Ban that I would come to Huntwood with him. A dozen of my family' are already waiting there. They, too, lost loved ones. You'll be safe there."

Tris looked into the dark amber liquid in his the struggle to retake the throne, he had not acquired a taste for brandy. Now, it was the surest way to a peaceful sleep. "I wonder how many more there are."

"Of what?" Soterius replied.

Tris motioned toward the field. "Places like this. Massacres."

"A lot, I'd bet."

Coalan and another young man came forward with their horses. Tr-is exchanged glances with Soterius. "Are you ready?"

"It's time. Let's go."

Half a dozen soldiers and as many vayash moru fell in behind Tris and Soterius as they rode for the manor. Coalan looked pale and nervous. Tris gasped as Huntwood Came into sight. The manor house was a ruined shell. In the moonlight, Tris could see where fire had burned the casements around the shattered windows. The sky was visible through holes in the roof. A burly man stepped through the manor's doorway.

"Thank you for coming, your majesty," he said with a bow. Tris swung down from his horse and greeted Danne, Soterius's brother-in-law, with an embrace.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't come sooner," Tris said. All around him, he could feel the press of familiar spirits. Bricen had been fond of the hunt, as had Soterius's father. Bricen and Tris had spent many weeks at Huntwood. The manor was as familiar to Tris as Shekerishet.

"Where would you like to do the working?" Tris asked.

"In the garden," Danne replied. "We haven't made as much progress on the house as we'd like, but Anyon and I got the worst of the mess in the garden cleaned up. It's quiet there."