Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 74

"I've had more than enough adventure for a lifetime," Carroway confessed. "But there are times when I do wish -they could have seen what I've made of myself."

"T'was the will of the Lady herself that chose the timing of your fostering, else you'd have been claimed by the plague as well." 'A sad smile played at the corners of Eadoin's lips. "Your memories crowd around you closely for one so young. I wonder, has the king's confidant ever asked a favor of his friend? Every day the king holds his court of spirits for all the realm. Wouldn't he do so for you?"

"I haven't asked, m'lady."

Eadoin reached across the table and patted his hand. The paper thin skin wrinkled across bones finer than those of a bird, lined with the veins of age. "Don't wait until you're my age to lay your ghosts to rest. Now, eat. For such fine music you should be well fed."

Eadoin's servants plied him with food until he waved them away, groaning. Her steward brought out fine sherry and aged port, an offer

Carroway could not refuse. In the fireplace at the end of the great dining hall, logs blazed and crackled.

"Tell me, Riordan," Eadoin said, leaning back in her chair, a goblet of port balanced in her thin fingers, "how go the preparations for our royal wedding?"

"That depends, m'lady."

"Kiara has been raised from birth to become Margolan's queen," Eadoin observed. "It's one thing to study a kingdom's ways-and another to navigate its court."

The old fox! All this time, I was conspiring to enlist her aid, and she set me up!

"Viata was from Eastmark," Eadoin said. "Some in Isencroft didn't like that Donelan took a foreign queen. Donelan was gone for long stretches on hunts or clearing out raiders. Viata surrounded herself with Eastmark courtiers. The Isencroft court never forgave her." She leaned forward and patted Car-roway's hand. "It would help Kiara greatly to have a guide."

"What would you have me do, m'lady?"

"First of all, you can stop pretending that you didn't have this in mind when you came here."

Carroway grinned sheepishly. "Done, m'lady," he confessed. "I came to ask your advice. We've heard that some in Isencroft don't want to blend the kingdoms together at Donelan's death. There's also some jealousy among the girls at court who thought they might wed a king"

"Were there any Jared left unbedded?" Eadoin asked.

"That alone is a good reason for Tris to avoid the 'ladies' of Margolan. There's no question of paternity with Kiara. One royal bastard is enough."

"What have you heard?"

Eadoin stared into the fire for a moment. "My sources within Isencroft are fewer than they once were. The Isencroft separatists are getting desperate. If they can't stop the wedding, they may try to make sure no heir will be born."