Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 79

"Everything's changing, Cam."' The road beneath their horses' hooves had become packed snow, hard as stone from the busy daytime travel into Aberponte. "When I went on my journey, I thought I could put everything back the way it used to be, before father got sick. But it's not working out that way." "It never does."

KIARA AND CAM barely had time to strip off their armor and turn their horses over to the grooms before a page came with a summons from the king. Cam was limping, but he waved off assistance. Kiara kept her left arm close to her body, painfully aware that it had begun to swell. Sooty, sweat-streaked, and blood spattered, they made their way toward the throne room. Jae perched on Kiara's uninjured shoulder.

"Good thing Donelan isn't expecting us dressed for court."

"Father rarely stands on ceremony."

They were not surprised to see both Cam's sister Carina Jesthrata and Allestyr, the seneschal, waiting with King Donelan. Carina hurried toward them as Cam steadied himself against the wall and Donelan bade them sit. Jae flapped down to the floor and made his way over to the warm hearth.


"The intelligence was correct," said Kiara. "The stockade was armed-and they were divisionists. We brought the survivors back for trial."

Carina was already at work on the gash on Cam's leg. Kiara glanced at the kettle of water that warmed by the sitting room hearth; Carina had prepared for them to arrive worse for the wear.

Carina poured a violet liquid into Cam's wound. "Watch what you're doing!" Cam yelped. "It hurt less than that when he stabbed me."

"You're starting to sound like Jonmarc."

"Don't you have anything in that bag of yours that isn't vile-tasting or painful?"

"No. Now sit still."

Allestyr took one look at Kiara's arm and brought her a glass of brandy. "I'm not sure it was a wise thing for you to ride out with the troops this close to our departure for Mar-golan," the seneschal said. "Aside from placing yourself in danger, it will hardly do to present you to your groom looking as if you'd fallen out of a carriage."

"I got my share of bruises when we were on the road last year-and none of us had the luxury of getting frequent baths once we started the trip back. I dare say Tris has seen me look worse."

Donelan sighed. "Tris will certainly overlook any scrapes, but it's the Margolan court you need to worry about."

"Mother prepared me for this from the day I was born. Goes with the whole idea of being 'betrothed at birth.' I'm more worried about what happens to Isencroft once I leave-and whether or not you dare come with me to the wedding."