Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 82


"All the damned dress fittings."

"Had you planned to just take your riding trews and a nice dress for the wedding?"

"I would if it were up to me."

Carina barely stifled a laugh. "Admit it, Kiara. It had to catch up with you someday. Even Jonmarc finally learned to dress for court.. Maybe he could give you some tips on where to hide weapons when they won't let you wear a sword."

"There's something to be said for armor," Kiara muttered. "Find a set that fits and stick with it. Wear it day in and day out. Why can't Tris and I just be the way we were on the road-two nobodies from nowhere?"

"You mean the 'good old days' on the road-being chased by Jared's guards, sleeping in tombs and burnt-out cellars, cold and hungry and always looking over our shoulders-?"

"At least we were dressed comfortably!" Kiara knew she was being unreasonable, but it was satisfying enough to remain so. Jae roused himself and waddled over, hoping for a treat. Kiara stroked his scaly neck, and he made a clicking sound in contentment.

"Riding in all kinds of weather, making cold camp in the forest," Carina went on. "Oh, and did I forget nearly drowning in the Nu River and that lovely little side trip to the Nargi camp? You missed the slavers. Face it, Kiara. You and Tris had higher bounties on your heads than Jonmarc-not exactly 'two nobodies from nowhere.'"

"You're right. But nobody drilled me on etiquette, no one fussed over my clothes…"

"And you still managed to land the most eligible bachelor in the Seven Kingdoms."

"You know very well that just sort of happened." She gave a wicked smile. "And given the number of people chasing us, maybe 'most sought after' is a better description."

"Maybe once you get the wedding out of the way it won't be so bad," Carina said, pulling up a chair. "All the nobles will go back to their manors for the winter. Maybe.you can go back to riding and practicing in the salle all you like."

"They'll hardly take to their queen walking around the palace in sensible, comfortable tunic and trews like a hired hand."

"It never bothered Tris."

"I'm worried about him, Carina. I know father isn't telling me everything he hears," Kiara said.

"Did you find out who his.new spy is?"

Kiara shook her head. "Jared killed Mostyn, who had been there long enough that everyone at court probably knew he was Isencroft's man. Father installed this one after he was well enough to take back his duties: I even asked father directly-he said he had no intention of withdrawing the person once I was married and didn't want to put me at cross-loyalties between my husband and my father." She