Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 83

snorted. "More likely he wants to keep an eye on me."

"I've also been thinking about mother," Kiara said. "She was only sixteen when she married father. Goddess! I don't know how she got the courage! She was almost five years younger than I am now, and she didn't know father nearly as well as I know Tris."

"Spending a year on the road with someone does that for you."

"As you well know yourself. You can't tell me that you aren't looking forward to seeing Jonmarc again at the wedding." She grinned. "Didn't I see a vayash moru messenger just a few days ago with a letter from Dark Haven?" Carina fingered the silver pendant at her throat, her gift from Jonmarc. "Kiara, how can I leave Donelan-and you-for such a long time?" "Father's well again."

"Royal births follow royal weddings," Carina retorted.

"Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves here?"

"Kiara, I think Jonmarc means to ask me to marry him."

"Did you just figure that out? Of course he does. Go to Dark Haven. And when he asks you to marry him, say yes. I have Cerise and Malae. They're both moving to Margolan to look after me. Cerise was mother's healer. Malae's looked after me since I was born. It's time for you to have your own life." Jae nuzzled her shoulder; Kiara dug into a pouch at her belt to withdraw a bit of dried meat, which the gyregon tossed up into the air, then snapped in mid fall.

Carina stood and walked over to the window. "The other hard part is leaving Cam," she said. "The only time we've ever been apart was last year. I missed him terribly. Why do I feel as if I'm letting him down by leaving again?"

"Have you talked to Cam about it?"

"I know I should have. But I keep putting it off."

"I doubt Jonmarc was intending to have a chaperone." Kiara grinned. "I've noticed Cam's spending quite a bit of time with the brewer's daughter. Maybe it's time for both of you to settle down."

ON THE WAY back from healing Kiara, Carina slowed as she passed Cam's door. She drew a deep breath and knocked. "Cam? It's me." She swung the door open. As usual, Cam's room was a complete mess.

"How's Kiara?"

"Kiara's fine. I was checking in on you."

Carina declined his offer of cakes

"Suit yourself," he said, and wolfed down several. "What's on your mind?"

"Things are just moving so quickly. Tris's coronation. Now the wedding. All the troubles here. And me, heading for Dark Haven."

Cam took Carina's hand. "I'm happy for you and Jonmarc, Carina. Really. He's a good man. He loves you. I'm choosy about who marries my sister. He'll do."