The cost of vengeance (Glenn) - страница 8

“What’s up?” I said and went straight for the safe.

“Are you all right?” Rose asked.

“I’ll be all right. I just got something I need to handle,” I said and got two guns and some clips out of the safe. I closed the safe and started to leave. I stopped when I got to the door. “If Nick comes by here, you ain’t seen me.”

“I understand,” Rose said and Danielle smiled.

On my way to the car I wondered what that bitch was smilin’ about, and drove away thinkin’ that there was something about her that just ain’t right; I feel it. But I really didn’t have time to worry about that now.

On the way, I thought about what Jay Easy said to me before I shot him.

“Go ahead and do it. But even if you kill me the shit won’t stop. It will only get worse. You got more enemies than just me. Only one that can save you is me. Drop this nigga and make it all right, and we can get back to where we was,” Jay Easy pleaded with me for his life.

I looked at Jay Easy and shook my head. “You always was a stupid mutha fucka. I don’t want you. That nigga’s so far above your level that you couldn’t even understand it.” Then I laughed in his face. “That, and he’s fuckin’ the shit outta me.”

Jay Easy spit in my face. I picked up my gun and shot him in the face. Then I pulled the car over and pushed him out in the street, closed the door, and drove off.

You got more enemies than just me. Only one that can save you is me. At the time I thought he was just talkin’ until I found out that it was Blue who was robbin’ me. Now I wonder how long that enemy list was.

I got to Lakeda’s house and rang the bell. My nephew, Miles Jr., answered the door. “Aunt Rain,” he yelled and jumped in my arms like he always does. I kissed him on the cheek.

“How’s my little man doin’?”

“I’m fine. But I miss you,” Miles Jr. said and my heart melted.

“Who’s at the door, Miles?”

“It’s Aunt Rain, mommy,” he said and grabbed my hand and dragged me to his mother.

“Hello, Rain,” Lakeda said.

I could tell she wasn’t glad to see me. The bitch never is. You would think that since I support her ain’t-never-had-a-job ass, that she would show me some respect. At least she could show some appreciation for the fact that I pay all of her bills, and send somebody to give her worthless ass money every fuckin’ week, but I guess it don’t work that way for her.

I knelt down and looked at my cute little nephew. “Why don’t you go play. I need to talk to your mommy,” I said and hugged him. After he ran off, I sat down ’cause I knew the rude bitch wasn’t about to offer me a seat. “You heard what happened to Miles?” I asked, even though I knew she hadn’t. Lakeda hadn’t forgiven Miles for the affair and hadn’t spoken to him or been to see him, since the day he shot Jeff Ritchie. Millie takes the kids to see him in jail.