The people were glad when they saw the king. They brought food and drink. Then they all — king, knights, townspeople and outlaws — ate and drank and sang happily.
Before the king went to London, he sent for Sir Richard of the Lee (прежде чем король уехал в Лондон, он послал за сэром Ричардом из Ли; to send for — посылать за, вызвать, пригласить).
«You have your castle and your lands again (ты снова владеешь своим замком и землями),» the king said. «Stay here and help my people (останься здесь и помогай моим людям).»
Robin Hood stayed in London for a year (Робин Гуд оставался в Лондоне целый год; to stay — оставаться, не уходить; останавливаться, гостить). It was not a happy year for him (для него это был не очень счастливый год). The king was kind (король был добр), and the lords and knights listened to him and liked him (феодалы и рыцари слушали его и любили его). But London town was not the greenwood that Robin loved (но город Лондон не был тем зеленым лесом, который Робин так любил).
before [bI'fO:], to [tu:], for [fO:], of [Ov], in [In]
Before the king went to London, he sent for Sir Richard of the Lee.
«You have your castle and your lands again,» the king said. «Stay here and help my people.»
Robin Hood stayed in London for a year. It was not a happy year for him. The king was kind, and the lords and knights listened to him and liked him. But London town was not the greenwood that Robin loved.
At the end of the year, only two of his men were still with Robin Hood in London: Little John and Will Scarlet (к концу года только двое из его людей все еще оставались с ним в Лондоне: Малыш Джон и Уилл Скарлет). The others had come, one by one, to Robin and said (остальные приходили, один за другим, к Робину и говорили; one by one — отдельно, поодиночке; один за другим, друг за другом): «I love you Robin, but the town is not for me (я люблю тебя, Робин, но город не для меня). I want to go back to the greenwood and the open air and the trees (я хочу вернуться в зеленый лес на свежий воздух, к деревьям; open — открытый).»
And Robin Hood had said to each of them (и Робин Гуд говорил каждому из них), «I know (я знаю). Go back and be happy (возвращайся назад и будь счастлив). Help the poor, and the old, and all women (помогай бедным, старикам и всем женщинам). Goodbye (до свидания).»
open ['qup(q)n], air [eq], go back ['gqu'bxk]
At the end of the year, only two of his men were still with Robin Hood in London: Little John and Will Scarlet. The others had come, one by one, to Robin and said: «I love you Robin, but the town is not for me. I want to go back to the greenwood and the open air and the trees.»