Сверхъестественное в первобытном мышлении (Леви-Брюль) - страница 450

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Boas Fr. Second general report on the Indians of British Columbia // Baas for 1890, 1891. V. 60. P. 562–715.

Boas Fr. The Indians of the lower Fraser river // Baas for 1894. V. 64. P. 454–463.

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Bourlet A. Les Thay (Laos) // Anthropos. 1907. II.

Bowdich T. E. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee. L., 1819.

Brett W. The Indian tribes of Guiana. L., 1868.

Bridges W. A Few Notes on the Structure of Yaghan // JAI. 1893. V. 23–24. P. 53–80.

Brook Ch, Ten Years in Sarawak. L., 1848. V. 1–2.

Brown G. Melanesians and Polynesians. L., 1910.

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Brincker P. H. Chararter und Sitten der Bantu S. W. Afrikas // Mitteilungen des Seminars fur orientalishe Sprachen. 1900. III. 3.

Brownlie W. T. Witchcraft among the natives of South Africa // Journal of the African Society. 1926. N. XXV.

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Brutzer. Der Geisterglaube bei den Kamba. 1905.

Bryant A. T. A Zulu-English Dictionary. Natal, 1905.

Buckland. Four as sacred number // JAI. 1895–1896. V. 25.

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Callavay C. H. The Religious System of the Amazulu, Natal. 1868–1870.

Cameron. Rev. Letter… // Wesleyan missionary notices. 1848. V. 6.

Campana. Domenico del. Notizio intorno ai ciriguani // Archivio per l'antropologia. 1902. V. 32.

Cartailhag Em., Breuil H. La caverne d'Altamira a Santillane, pres Santander. Monaco, 1906.

Catlin G. The North American Indians. Edinburgh, 1903.

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