Иоганн Гутенберг (Мэн) - страница 153

27. Lefaivre Liane. Leon Battista Alberti’s Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: Recognizing the Architectural Body in the Early Italian Renaissance. Cambridge, Mass., 1997.

28. Mainz (City of) Gutenberg: Man of the Millennium. Mainz, 2000. Well– illustrated and expert abridgement in English and German of its massive Exhibition Catalogue (only in German).

29. McCluhan Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy. Toronto, 1966, and often reprinted. (A non-narrative hodge-podge by turns baffling and stimulating.).

30. McMurtrie Douglas. The Gutenberg Documents. Oxford, 1941.

31. Marius Richard. Martin Luther: The Christian Between God and Death. Cambridge, Mass., 1999.

32. Moxon Joseph Mechanick. Exercises in the Whole Art of Printing, ed: Herbert Davies and Harry Carter. Oxford, 1958.

33. Piccolomini Aeneas Silvius (Pius II). The History of Two Lovers, Barnabe Riche Society. Ottawa, 1999. This has updated spelling. For the original spelling, see The Goodli History of the Lady Lucres of Scene and of her Lover Eurialus. Oxford, 1996.

34. Reitzel Adam. Die Renaissance Gutenbergs. Mainz, 1968.

35. Robinson Francis. Islam and the Impact of Print in South Asia in Nigel Crook (ed.), The Transmission of Knowledge in South Asia. Oxford, 1996.

36. Ruppel Aloys. Johannes Gutenberg: Sein Leben und sein Werk, 1939 (and many other important contributions).

37. Schartl Reinhard. Johannes Fust und Johannes Gutenberg in zwei Verfahren vor dem Frankfurter Schu.. ffengericht. Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, Mainz, 2001.

38. Scholderer Johann. Gutenberg: The Inventor of Printing. London, 1963.

39. Seidenberger Dr J.B. Die Zunftk8Ampfe in Mainz und der Anteil der Familie Gensfleisch. Mainz, 1900.

40. Sigmund Paul. Nicholas of Cusa and Medieval Political Thought. Cambridge, Mass., 1963.

41. Smeijers Fred. Counterpunch. London, 1996.

42. Sohn Pow-Key. Printing in China and Early Korean Printing in Hans Widmann (ed.), Der Gegenw8Artige Stand der Gutenberg-Forschung. Stuttgart, 1972.

43. Sprenger Kai-Michael. “voluminus tamen…” (on Gutenberg’s possible publication of indulgences for Nicholas of Cusa). Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 2000.

44. Tyndale William. The New Testament. London, 2000.

45. Venzke Andreas. Johannes Gutenberg: Der Erfinder des Buchdrucks und seine Zeit. Munich and Zurich, 1993.

46. Watts Pauline Moffitt. Nicolaus Cusanus: A Fifteenth-Century Vision of Man. Leiden, 1982.

47. Wilson Adrian. The Making of the Nuremberg Chronicle. Amster dam, 1976.


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