Новейшие археозоологические исследования в России (Формозов, Смирнов) - страница 150

Петренко А. Г. Древнее и средневековое животноводство Среднего Поволжья и Предуралья. М., 1984.

Петренко А. Г. Результаты видового анализа костей животных с поселений эпохи бронзы Марийского Поволжья // Соловьев Б. С. Бронзовый век Марийского Поволжья. Йошкар-Ола, 2000. С. 156, 157.

Соловьев Б. С. Бронзовый век Марийского Поволжья. Йошкар-Ола, 2000.

Формозов А. А. К истории древнейшего скотоводства на юге СССР // Основные проблемы териологии. Тр. МОИП. Отдел биологии. T. XLVIII, М., 1972. С. 19–25.

Халиков А.Х. Древняя история Среднего Поволжья. М., 1969.

Цалкин В. И. Фауна из раскопок памятников Среднего Поволжья // МИА. № 61. Т. 1. М., 1958. С. 221–281.

Цалкин В. И. Животноводство и охота в лесной полосе Восточной Европы в раннем железном веке // МИА. № 107. М., 1962. С. 5–96.

Цалкин В. И. Древнейшие домашние животные Восточной Европы // МИА. № 161. М., 1970.

Цалкин В. И. Древнейшие домашние животные Восточной Европы в эпоху поздней бронзы. Сообщение 4 // Бюллетень МОИП. Отделение биологии. Т. 77. Вып. 4. М, 1972. С. 60–74.

Шнирельман В. А. Возникновение производящего хозяйства. М., 1989.

Clason А. Т. Some Aspects of Stock-Breeding and Hunting in the Period after the Band Ceramic Culture North of the Alps. D. G. Budapest, 1973. P. 205–211.

Teichert M Osteometrische Untersuchungen zur Berechnung der Wiederristhohe bei Schaffen // Archaeozoological Studies. Amsterdam, 1975. P. 212–265.

A. G. Petrenko
To the history of stockbreeding appearing in Middle Volga and Pre-Ural regions

Data from Ivanovskoe VII site, also as earlier receiving evidences from Stanovoe IV, Yazyikovo I, Voymeznaya I, Maslovo Boloto, Zamostye, Soulat and other sites are confirming that hunter to animals and birds was major way of life support together with fishing for population of forest zone of Russian plain in Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. The main game from Ivanovskoe VII site were animals and birds species, encountered in forest and water-marsh biotops.

All three Mesolithic layers of Ivanovskoe VII site have formed in warm year period. Numerous remains of water voles, existence young beaver, hamster and absolute predominance of migrate species indicate to this hypothesis. However, site in the period of forming of cultural deposits Il-a, was visited in cold year time for elk hunter. Researching parts of Neolithic deposits was formed in autumn-winter period, evidence of what is numerous remains (whole sceletons) of pine marten, small number of remains of water voles and birds.

Osteological materials from 22 archaeological sites of Middle Volga region and Pre-Ural territory of Neolithic, Halcolithic and early Bronze are using in this investigation. Cattle, sheeps and goats, horses as the first domestic animals are traced at the beginning of V millennium B.C. in Neolith and at the second part of IV millennium B.C. in the economy of region. Domestic pigs are appeared later, with arrival in the region the population of Balanovskaya culture on the bound of HI — H millennium B. C. In early historical phases the character of stock-breeding and the hunter activity were determined by the nature factors.