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N. D. Ovodov
The pleistocene bighorn sheep of Siberia
Taking into account some new finds there has been given a survey of the fossil remnants of the bighorn sheep on the territory of Siberia. The morphological peculiarities of the pleistocene metacarpale bones of the bighorn sheep have made it possible to distinguish a new subspecies — ovis nivicola meridialis. By its physical peculiarities it surpassed the contemporary specimen in strength (while moving along steep slopesand rocks). There were several reasons for the disapperance of pleistocene South-Siberian form of the bighorn sheep. First, the population of this species was considerably less in comparison with the larger food competitor, argali, also inhabiting the South of Siberia. And apparently, the bighorn sheep experienced even a more serious pressure from carnivores, such as the snow leopard, the red dog, the cave lion (Panthera spelaea), the hyena (Crocuta spelaea), and also the man.
On the basis of the new fossil finds it has been possible to ascertain a more ancient geological age of the Siberian bighorn sheep up to the Middle Pleistocene Age.