События и люди (Рухадзе) - страница 259


Date of birth: 9 July 1930, Tbilisi, Georgia

Nationality: Georgian


e-mail: [email protected]

Education / degrees:

Physicist, Moscow State University, 1954. Grad. with first-class honor diploma.

Candidate for Phys.-Math. Sciences, 1958, Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow.

Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences, 1964, Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow.

Prof, of Electronics, 1971, Moscow State University.

Work activity:

1948–1954 Student of Moscow State University.

1954–1957 Post-grad. Stud, of Lebedev Physics Inst, Moscow.

1954–1955 Assistant Prof., Moscow Engineering Physics Inst.

1957–1958 Scientific worker of Physical Energetic Inst., Obninsk.

1958–1982 Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow, Scientific worker, Head of Sector, Head of Lab.

1966–1971 Deputy Professor, Moscow State University.

1971–1996 Pull Professor, Moscow State University.

1982–1995 General Physics Institute, Moscow, Head of Lab., Head of theoretical department.

1995–1996 General Physics Institute, Principal investigator.

1996–2001 Full professor Moscow State University. General Physics Institute, Principal investigator.

2001-present General Physics Institute, Principal investigator.

Research Objectives:

1. Electrodynamics of Material Media, in Particular Plasma Electrodynamics.

2. Kinetic Theory of Plasma and Gases, Quantum Kinetics.

3. Stability Theory of Nonequilibrium Media, Plasma Instability.

4. Physical Electronics, Relativistic High Power Electronics.

Membership, Professional Activities:

1. Member of Scientific Problem Council of RAS on Plasma Physics.

2. Member of Scientific Problem Council of RAS on Relativistic Electronics.

3. 1983-present Member of Scientific Council for doctor dissertations of General Physics Institute.

4. Member of Moscow Physical Society and editorial board of its journal.

5. 1971-present Member of Scientific Council for doctor dissertations of Physics Department of Moscow State University.

6. Member of editorial board of journal «Kratkie Soobshenia fisiki».

7. Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.


1. Silin V.P., Rukhadze A.A. «Electromagnetic Properties of Plasma and Plasma-like Media», Moscow, Pub. House «Atomizdat» (1961).

2. Ginzburg V.L., Rukhadze A.A. «Waves in Magnetoactive Plasma», Moscow, Pub. House «Nauka» (1970, 1975); English transl. Handbook Physics v.49, «Springer Verlag», (1972); Bolgarian transl. (1972).

3. Alexandrov A.F., Rukhadze A.A. «Physics of High Current Light Sources», Moscow, Pub. House «Atomizdat» (1976).

4. Alexandrov A.F., Bogdankevich L.S., Rukhadze A.A. «Principles of Plasma Electrodynamics», Moscow, Pub. House «Visshay Skola» (1978, 1988), English Transl. «Springer Verlag», Heidelberg(1984).