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(New Russian Book). She was also a regular contributor to two of the major Russian language daily newspapers in Berlin, Golos Rossii (The Voice of Russia) and its successor, Dni (Days). Throughout 1922 and 1923 Vera published over j twenty poems and more than forty reviews and articles.

Almost as quickly as they had begun, Vera’s literary opportunities and aspirations apparently ended. The Russian literary community abandoned Berlin in the fall of 1923. The economic crisis of that year heralded for most a return to conditions similar to those Russia after the Revolution and during the Civil War. The publishing industry, one of the major drawing cards for the literary elite, collapsed and most of the writers, many friends of Vera, scattered to Prague or Paris, while others returned to Soviet Russia. While they were free to Vera, still a young girl, remained behind with her family in Berlin The glamor, excitement and the glory of her former Petersburg and Berlin days were replaced with more earthly concerns.

Vera offered private lessons in Russian and French, but by 1924 her writing came to a halt. “I don’t write poetry, the poems write themselves.” For ten years the inspiration and the urge to write poetry were simply not there. There were a number of occasions, however, which proved that the poetic gift had not disappeared, but had simply been dormant. Two poems appeared in the collection Nevod by a group of Russian poets in Berlin in 1933. Between 1935 and 1941 Vera wrote a handful of poems to her new love, A.V. Poznjakov. Once again tragedy struck, and fate separated Vera from her love and source of her inspiration. Poznjakov was arrested and sent to Dachau where he would became one more victim of Hitler’s Germany.

Vera’s mother was also arrested and incarcerated in a camp during the war, but lived to return to her daughter. Vera, herself, was in the hands of the Gestapo for two months in 1938. Her arrest, detention and miraculous release on Christmas eve were all recounted in her article “My Acquaintance with the Gestapo” printed in the Russian language emigre paper Russkaja Mysl' (La Pensee Russe). In 1956 and 1957 Vera published several articles and poems in the newspaper. She also wrote three new poems devoted to Berlin, but when her mother died Vera set her pen aside again.

In 1983 the words began to flow again. As always, love was the stimulus and the poetic gjft re-appeared. Vera wrote a few poems in Russian but switched to German to celebrate her new friend in a collection entitled