Варвары против Рима (Джонс, Эрейра) - страница 212

(Washington, 2001).

Orientus, Commonitorium, tr. Tobin, D. M. (Catholic University of America, 1945).

Orosius. Seven Books of History against the Pagans, tr. Raymond, I. W. (Columbia, 1936).

Philostorgius, Ecclesiastical History, tr. Walford, E. (London, 1851).

Piggott, S. Wagon, Chariot and Carriage: Symbol and Status in the History of Transport (Thames & Hudson, 1992).

Plato. Charmides, tr. Lamb, W. R. M. (Loeb, 1927).

Pliny the Elder. Natural History, tr. Rackham, H. (Loeb, 1942).

Plutarch. Lives, tr. Dryden, J. (Random House, 2001).

Его же. Virtues of Women, tr. Babbit, F. R. (Loeb, 1931).

Pohl, W. Kingdoms of the Empire: The Integration of Barbarians in Late Antiquity (Brill, 1997).

Polybius. Histories, tr. Paton, W. R., 6 vols. (Loeb, 1922–7).

Poulter, A. G., Falkner, R. F. and Shepherd, J. D. Nicopolis ad Istrum: A Roman to Early Byzantine City (Leicester, 1999).

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Philosophical Society, vol. 64, part 7 (1974).

Procopius of Caesarea. History of the Wars, tr. Dewing, H. B. (Loeb, 1916).

Prosper of Aquitaine. Epitoma Chronicon, ed. Mommsen, Т., in Chronica Minora Saec. IV, V, VI, VII, vol. I (Berlin, 1961).

Его же. Epigrammа in Sancti Prosperi Aquitani Opera Omnia, Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Latina 51, pp. 497–532.

Rankin, D. Celts and the Classical World (Routledge, 1996).

Raven, S. Rome in Africa (Routledge, 1993).

Rawson, B. (ed.). The Family in Ancient Rome: New Perspectives (Routledge, 1992).

Rochas d′Aiglun, E. A. Poliorcetique des Grecs (Paris, 1872).

Его же, La Science des Philosophes et lArt des Thaumaturges dans lAntiquite (Paris, 1882).

Rufinus of Aquileia (Rufinus Tyrannius). Church History, tr. Amidon, P. R. (Oxford, 1997).

Russo, L. The Forgotten Revolution (Springer, 2003).

Salvian. Of the Government of God, tr. Sanford, E. M. (Octagon Books, 1966).

Schramm, E. Die antiken Geschutze der Saalburg (Berlin, 1918).

Seneca. Lucius Annaeus. Dialogues and Letters, tr. Costa, C. D. N. (Penguin, 1997).

Его же. Minor Dialogues, Together with the Dialogue on Clemency, tr. Stewart, A. (Bell, 1902).

Shanzer, D. and Wood, I. (tr.). Avitus of Vienne: Selected Letters and Prose (Liverpool, 2002).

Socrates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical History, tr. Bright, W. (Wipf & Stock, 2003).

Strabo, Geography, tr. Jones, H. L. 8 vols. (Loeb, 1949).

Suetonius. The Twelve Caesars (Penguin, 2003).

Tacitus, Agricola, tr. Church, A. J. and Brodribb, W. J. (Macmillan, 1877).