Tantric Sex for Men (Richardson) - страница 2

it. It will not be sexuality anymore—it will be something totally different, so different that you do not have a word for


In the East we have a word for it—Tantra. In the West you don’t have a word for it. When sex becomes joined

together, is yoked with intelligence, a totally new energy is created—that energy is called Tantra.




By Michael Richardson

Sex is not what it seems to be. We all have inherited preconceptions and ideas about sex, which are

mostly false and form a screen, or barrier, that separates us from the real power of sex. When we

look beyond the inherited screen of misunderstanding we discover that sex is completely different

from what we generally think it is. Through sexual exploration I personally have discovered the true

function of sex, which is to bring more love into the world. Each and every person can be a

messenger of love by creating more love and contributing it to the world.

The screen of conditioning—our past experiences and ideas—limits our human sexual expression.

After all, what does a man want when he makes love to a woman? What is the ultimate reason for

making love? It is not to achieve ejaculation; it is to be loved by the woman.

Woman is the source of love, the mother of love, and I, as a man, am able to tap into that love. For

me, love is what it is all about. Being in the here and now, I’ve discovered that in stillness, including

inner stillness during movement, I can tap into or connect with the “garden of love” in woman. And

there is nothing more satisfying and touching than seeing a woman radiating, blossoming in love.

I do have hope for humanity. The only hope is for man to find a way through his screen of

conditioned sexuality, so that he may come to rest within his male authority. So that he can make

peace with woman and make love to her body, heart, and soul.


There are a great many books about sex offering a range of techniques best described as the “effort”

or “doing” approach. Little is mentioned about the “relaxed” or “non-doing” approach in sex, which

is why we decided to write a book from the man’s perspective. The non-doing approach is not a

technique, but the opportunity to change yourself through changing the ways you express yourself

sexually. The orientation is one of sexual union as a meditation in which the intelligence is handed