Tantric Sex for Men (Richardson) - страница 3

back to the genitals.

Tantric Sex for Men also complements the previously published Tantric Orgasm for Women,

which many men say is actually a book for men. Nonetheless, to explore sex specifically from the

male perspective is of immense value. Readers are also referred to The Heart of Tantric Sex: A

Unique Guide to Love and Sexual Fulfillment, which offers the “Love Keys” and many specific

details about lovemaking that do not necessarily appear in this book. Here our intention is to offer a

completely new picture of sex, one that brings about a revolutionary and evolutionary shift in the way

w e think about sex, and therefore express ourselves in sex. Through a change of mindset we can

intentionally allow the body to relax into its inner wisdom and express itself as nature intended.

Our body of knowledge is based on personal experience and has been confirmed by thousands of

couples who have passed through our weeklong residential “Making Love” retreats over the past

twenty years. During the retreats there is no nudity, no partner swapping, and each couple arrives

committed to each other for the week. The atmosphere is respectful, supportive, and professional. We

sometimes share with couples how fortunate we feel to have the best work in the world. Actually, it

is pure pleasure and not work at all. We experience unlimited joy in seeing couples rise in love out of

stagnation right in front of our eyes, in a handful of days. This is not only one couple, but twenty-five

or more couples simultaneously. Everything proceeds easily, gently, naturally, and with virtually no

effort on our part.

Although sex has been practiced in certain ways for thousands of years, we don’t believe it has to

continue in the same way forever. Over the years we have come to recognize that changing the way

we make love changes and empowers our lives in loving, magical, mystical ways. However, this kind

of transformation happens only through direct experience, and not by simply thinking that it sounds

like a great idea. To gain access to insider knowledge, the experience has to be lived fully by the

individual on a cellular level. Transforming our basic sex energy into its higher vibration of love, as

described in the chapters ahead, raises the quality of love on personal, social, and cosmic levels of


During our time working in the field of sexuality some couples who have attended our retreats have