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Adizes, I. “Managing: The Business of Mutual Trust and Respect.” Manage 45, 1 (1993): 26-28.
Adizes, I. “Twelve Tips on Keeping Your Growing Business at Prime”. Manage 44, 3 (1993): 14-17.
Adizes, I. “Corporate Lifecycles: Entrepreneurship and Integration.” In Management and Entrepreneurship, the English version, ed. I. Vaji, 168 172. Vol. II. Centar za Management
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Adizes, I. “How to Convert a Committee into a Team.” Successful Meetings 43, 2 (1994): 115-118.
Adizes, I. “Integrating Innovation.” Executive Excellence 11, 11 (1994): 12-13.
Adizes, I. “Keeping the Fires Burning [about TQM].” Manage 46, 1 (1994): 12-16.
Adizes, I. “Information Superhighway: Overloading Human Potential.” Executive Excellence 12, 4 (1995): 15.
Adizes, I. “What Comes First? Strategy or Structure?” Executive Excellence 2, 9 (1995): 20.
Adizes, I. “Eight Myths [about management]: Getting Right the People Dimension of Business.” Executive Excellence 14, 9 (1997): 20.
Adizes, I. “Five Myths about Management in the 1990s.” Manage 48 (July, 1997): 30-32.
Adizes, I. “Looking for Mr./Ms. Perfect: The Search for the Right Professional Manager in a Growing Company.” Progress 2, 1 (1998): 14-15.
Adizes, I. “Self-Esteem: Who Cares?” The Adizes Institute Journal of Organizational Transformation 1, 1 (1998): 7-16.
Рабочие материалы
Adizes, I. Establishing a Program for Arts Administration: Summary of the UCLA Conference and a Report on Implementation. In the Management in the Arts Research Program Publication Series, Publication 1. Division of Research, GSM. Los Angeles: UCLA, 1969.