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It hadn't saved Esta.Они не спасли Эсту.
Evidently, like himself, she didn't believe so much in it, either. ? Chapter 4Очевидно, она, так же как и он, не особенно верила во все это. 4
T he effect of this particular conclusion was to cause Clyde to think harder than ever about himself.Придя к такому заключению, Клайд стал упорнее, чем когда-либо, думать о своем будущем.
And the principal result of his thinking was that he must do something for himself and soon.Он решил, что должен сам предпринять что-то, и притом поскорее.
Up to this time the best he had been able to do was to work at such odd jobs as befall all boys between their twelfth and fifteenth years: assisting a man who had a paper route during the summer months of one year, working in the basement of a five-and-ten-cent store all one summer long, and on Saturdays, for a period during the winter, opening boxes and unpacking goods, for which he received the munificent sum of five dollars a week, a sum which at the time seemed almost a fortune.До сих пор ему удавалось найти только такую работу, какая обычно достается мальчикам двенадцати - пятнадцати лет: как-то летом он помогал газетчику разносить газеты; другое лето (а по субботам и зимой) работал на складе магазина стандартных цен: открывал ящики и распаковывал товары, за что получал щедрое вознаграждение - пять долларов в неделю, -сумму, казавшуюся ему тогда целым состоянием.
He felt himself rich and, in the face of the opposition of his parents, who were opposed to the theater and motion pictures also, as being not only worldly, but sinful, he could occasionally go to one or another of those - in the gallery - a form of diversion which he had to conceal from his parents.Он чувствовал себя богачом и, наперекор родителям, которые считали и театр и кино делом не только мирским, но и греховным, изредка бывал в этих запретных местах, где-нибудь на галерке. Такие развлечения приходилось скрывать от родителей.
Yet that did not deter him.Но это не удерживало Клайда.
He felt that he had a right to go with his own money; also to take his younger brother Frank, who was glad enough to go with him and say nothing.Он полагал, что имеет право распоряжаться своими деньгами и даже брать с собой младшего брата Фрэнка, который рад был пойти с ним и ни разу не проговорился.
Later in the same year, wishing to get out of school because he already felt himself very much belated in the race, he secured a place as an assistant to a soda water clerk in one of the cheaper drug stores of the city, which adjoined a theater and enjoyed not a little patronage of this sort.