Bush and Brown were talking quite excitedly about this remarkable mishap - Hornblower heard their cackle without noticing it, as a man long resident beside a waterfall no longer hears the noise of the fall. | Буш и Браун оживленно обсуждали это экстраординарное происшествие - Хорнблауэр слышал их шуточки, но не воспринимал умом, как живущий у водопада человек не замечает шума воды. |
The darkness which was engulfing them was premature. | Тьма сгущалась, хотя было еще совсем не поздно. |
Low black clouds covered the whole sky, and the note of the wind in the trees carried with it something of menace. | Небо заволокли черные тучи, ветер угрожающе шумел в облетевших кронах. |
Even Hornblower noted that, nor was it long before he noticed something else, that the rain beating upon his face was changing to sleet, and then from sleet to snow; he felt the big flakes upon his lips, and tasted them with his tongue. | Даже безразличный ко всему Хорнблауэр это приметил, а вскоре обнаружил и другое: бьющий в лицо дождь сменился серой крупой, а затем и снегом; большие снежинки холодили ему губы, и он потрогал их языком. |
The gendarme who lit the lamps beside the driver's box revealed to them through the windows the front of his cloak caked thick with snow, shining faintly in the feeble light of the lamp. | Жандарм зажег лампу на козлах; плащ его запорошило снегом, тускло искрящимся в свете лампы. |
Soon the sound of the horses' feet was muffled and dull, the wheels could hardly be heard, and the pace of the coach diminished still further as it ploughed through the snow piling in the road. | Копыта стучали приглушеннее, колеса скользили почти беззвучно, карета двигалась все медленнее, увязая в снегу. |
Hornblower could hear the coachman using his whip mercilessly upon his weary animals - they were heading straight into the piercing wind, and were inclined to take every opportunity to flinch away from it. | Кучер безжалостно нахлестывал усталых лошадей - ветер дул им прямо в морды, они то и дело норовили уклониться с пути. |
Hornblower turned back from the window to his subordinates inside the coach - the faint light which the glass front panel allowed to enter from the lamps was no more than enough to enable him just to make out their shadowy forms. | Хорнблауэр обернулся к подчиненным - сквозь переднее окошко проникало совсем немного света от лампы, так что он еле различал, где они есть. |
Bush was lying huddled under all his blankets; Brown was clutching his cloak round him, and Hornblower for the first time noticed the bitter cold. |