Под стягом победным (Форестер) - страница 7

Он перегнулся через парапет и поглядел вниз; уступ высотой в двадцать пять футов, затем ров, а по дну рва вьется крепкий частокол, который не прорвать иначе, как подойдя вплотную.
No hurried, extemporized attack could carry the citadel of Rosas.С налету Росас не взять.
A score of sentries paced the ramparts, even as did he; in the opposite face he could see the massive gates with the portcullis down, where a hundred men of the grand guard were always ready to beat back any surprise attack which might elude the vigilance of the twenty sentinels.Десятка два часовых, подобно самому Хорнблауэру, расхаживали по стене, напротив высились массивные ворота с крытой галереей, на которой укрывались еще человек сто, готовые отразить атаку, если ее не заметят первые двадцать.
Down there, in the body of the place, a company of infantry was being put through its drill - the shrill words of command were clearly audible to him up here.Во дворе под стеной маршировало пехотное подразделение - до Хорнблауэра отчетливо долетали итальянские команды.
It was Italian which was being spoken; Bonaparte had attempted his conquest of Catalonia mainly with the foreign auxiliaries of his empire, Italians, Neapolitans, Germans, Swiss, Poles.Бонапарт завоевывает Каталонию силами своих сателлитов - здесь воюют итальянцы, неаполитанцы, немцы, швейцарцы, поляки.
The uniforms of the infantry down there were as ragged as the lines they were forming; the men were in tatters, and even the tatters were not homogeneous - the men wore white or blue or grey or brown according to the resources of the depots which had originally sent them out.Мундиры на солдатах - не лучше, чем их строй -лохмотья, да и те разномастные - белые, серые, коричневые, в зависимости от того, что нашлось на складе.
They were half starved, poor devils, as well.К тому же они голодают, бедолаги.
Of the five or six thousand men based on Rosas the ones he could see were all that could be spared for military duty; the others were all out scouring the countryside for food - Bonaparte never dreamed of trying to feed the men whom he compelled to serve him, just as he only paid them, as an afterthought, a year or two in arrears.Из пяти-шести тысяч расквартированных в Росасе солдат этот полк единственный занят строевой подготовкой - остальные рыщут по окрестностям в поисках пропитания, Бонапарт не намерен кормить людей, чьими руками завоевывает мир, равно как и платит от случая к случаю, с опозданием годика этак на два.
It was amazing that his ramshackle Empire had endured so long - that was the clearest proof of the incompetence of the various kingdoms who had pitted their strength against it.