Всадник без головы (Рид) - страница 83

A few seconds after this had been accomplished, Zeb Stump reappeared in the doorway, with a countenance that produced a pleasant change in the feelings of those inside. His confident air and attitude proclaimed, as plainly as words could have done, that he had discovered that of which he had gone in search-the "yarb."Скоро в дверях появился Зеб Стумп; по спокойному выражению его лица нетрудно было догадаться, что целебное растение найдено.
In his right hand he held a number of oval shaped objects of dark green colour-all of them bristling with sharp spines, set over the surface in equidistant clusters. Maurice recognised the leaves of a plant well known to him-the oregano cactus.В правой руке охотник держал несколько овальных листьев темно-зеленого цвета, густо и равномерно усаженных острыми шипами. Морис узнал в них листья кактуса орегано.
"Don't be skeeart, Mister Pheelum!" said the old hunter, in a consolatory tone, as he stepped across the threshold. "Thur's nothin' to fear now.-- Не бойся, мистер Фелим,-- сказал старый охотник, переступая порог хижины.-- Теперь бояться нечего.
I hev got the bolsum as 'll draw the burnin' out o' yur blood, quicker 'an flame ud scorch a feather.Я достал цветочек, который живо вытянет жар из твоей крови, быстрее, чем огонь сожжет перо...
Stop yur yellin', man!Перестань выть, говорят тебе!
Ye've rousted every bird an beast, an creepin' thing too, I reckon, out o' thar slumbers, for more an twenty mile up an down the crik.Ты разбудил всех птиц, зверей и гадов на двадцать миль вверх и вниз по реке.
Ef you go on at that grist much longer, ye'll bring the Kumanchees out o' thur mountains, an that 'ud be wuss mayhap than the crawl o' this hunderd-l egged critter.Если ты будешь продолжать, сюда сбегутся все команчи, а это, пожалуй, будет похуже, чем след стоногой твари...
Mister Gerald, you git riddy a bandige, whiles I purpares the powltiss."Мистер Джеральд, пока я буду готовить припарку, найдите, чем его перевязать.
Drawing his knife from its sheath, the hunter first lopped off the spines; and then, removing the outside skin, he split the thick succulent leaves of the cactus into slices of about an eighth of an inch in thickness. These he spread contiguously upon a strip of clean cotton stuff already prepared by the mustanger; and then, with the ability of a hunter, laid the "powltiss," as he termed it, along the inflamed line, which he declared to have been made by the claws of the centipede, but which in reality was caused by the injection of venom from its poison-charged mandibles, a thousand times inserted into the flesh of the sleeper!