Declared Hostile (Miller) - страница 29

Wilson led them to the sitting area and motioned both women to have a seat. Macho relaxed and crossed her ankle over her knee like a man. Shane sat up straight with her back off the chair, eyes locked on her new CO.

“Please tell me about yourself,” Wilson began.

“Well… I’m from Pocatello, Idaho, and I was in Navy ROTC at the University of Idaho. My grandfather served in Vietnam on a cruiser, and I loved his stories of exotic ports and the romance of the sea. Here in St. Thomas, I now see what he meant!” she giggled. Macho rolled her eyes. Wilson nodded and smiled, waiting for her to continue.

“Soo… I went into ROTC and was drawn to the Intelligence field. I hope to be able to serve you well and to help the pilots learn about ships and aircraft and air defense systems.”

“I’m sure you will. Do you have other work experience, or is this your first job?”

“Well, I’m Mormon, so I was on a mission trip a few years ago that split up my college studies.”

“Family?” Wilson asked.

“I’m single. My family lives in Pocatello, and we have some relatives in Oregon. I’m the oldest of six: four girls, and the two youngest are twin boys. We dote on those boys!”

Wilson smiled, impressed with Shane’s positive energy. He could also see she was stunningly beautiful. The combination of her striking good looks and innocent naiveté could pose a challenge for her — and his command.

“Again, welcome aboard. You are joining a fleet Hornet squadron, the Firebirds of VFA-16, and we’ve been a winning team since the Vietnam War. Our job is to be ready to deliver credible combat power with no-notice as part of the Carrier Air Wing SIX/Coral Sea team. We fly the FA-18C Hornet strike-fighter, and we employ all manner of weapons against all manner of threats. We deploy anywhere in the world Washington sends us, and we live with strict rules of engagement. And we need you to learn how we employ our aircraft and to prepare our pilots with the latest intelligence and capabilities of any potential adversary, and that includes me.”

Shane nodded purposefully, riveted on her CO. Wilson then turned to Macho.

“Macho, when we go back aboard, where is Shane going to bunk?”

That morning Macho had expected to pick up a guy at the airport, so, on the way back, she had given this some thought.

“We have an open bunk in my stateroom, sir. Probably there.”

“Great. Well, okay. Welcome aboard, Shane. It’s good to have you in the squadron.” Wilson stood to shake hands.

Beaming, Shane replied, “Thank you, sir!” Welcomed as a full-fledged and vital member of the