Declared Hostile (Miller) - страница 89

“Macho, you are full of baloney. I would use a stronger word, but, in the presence of ladies, I defer. Frankly, I don’t believe you’re telling me the truth. So, with that little lie out of the way, let’s continue. We’re going to resolve this right now. Do you read me?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Annie cast a cool gaze at Macho. “Are you going to lie to me again?”

No, ma’am!” a shaken Macho answered.

Annie waited a few seconds before she responded, an eternity to Macho. “Good.” When she continued, she set her sights on Trench, which allowed Macho to catch her breath.

“Trench, you are the quintessential air wing playa, think you are God’s gift, have a disgusting porn habit, and snicker too much in the back of the ready room. Are you seeing someone on this ship?”

“No, ma’am!”

“Good. Are you making women on this ship uncomfortable?”


“Flirting with some but not others in the wardroom? Being overly solicitous of Airman Jackson on the flight deck? Snickering when our intel officer is briefing the squadron? Any of that ring a bell?”

Trench looked down, not knowing how to respond.

“We XOs have eyes in the back of our heads. Being a mom helps, too.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he stammered, blood flushing his face, but Annie wasn’t finished with him.

“Are you attracted to some women on this ship?”

Trench glanced at her, then Olive. His worst nightmare was coming true. Where is the XO going with all this? he thought.

“No names, but tell me the truth.”

“Yes, ma’am, as much as the next guy.”

“Are you attracted to me?”

Trench moved back in his seat, not knowing what to say. He sensed, though, he had better figure it out fast. He again opened his mouth, but no words formed.

“How about Lieutenant Commander Teel? She’s a woman, and, unlike me, she’s single.”

Trench took a quick look at Olive whose face remained expressionless.

“Ma’am, no—”

“Oh, are we too old for you? I’m a hag, of course, at 38, but Olive is much closer to your own age. And, as I said, she’s available.”

Trench’s forehead was moist.

“Ma’am, I haven’t…. It would be wrong to pursue….”

“Because we’re senior officers, right? In your chain of command? Wouldn’t be proper, would it?”

“No, ma’am.”

“But Ensign Duncan and Airman Jackson are in your chain of command. You are their senior officer. Perhaps they are flattered by your attention. Perhaps it makes them nervous. Whatever it does, we call undue familiarity fraternization, and it’s really, really bad for good order and discipline. It doesn’t have to be sexual either. If Olive and I go shoe shopping together, or go in and buy a Cessna to fly on weekends, it’s still undue familiarity. She is at an advantage over her fellow department heads as they compete for promotion. And that generates mistrust, which is