Инновационная концепция модернизации теории и практики физического воспитания (Столяров) - страница 559

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1773. Hardman K. (2001). Comparative physical education and sport // International Journal of Physical Education. – N 38(3). – P. 96–103.

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1775. Hardman Ken (1997). Physical education and socialisation – past, present and future in international and comparative perspective // Kinesiology. – vol. 29, N. 1. – Р. 5–21.

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1777. Harris Janet C. (1998). Civil Society, Physical Activity, and the Involvement of Sport Sociologists in the Preparation of Physical Activity Professionals // Sociology of Sport Journal. – vol. 15, N. 2. – Р. 138–153.

1778. Harrison Marta (1975). For the Fun of It: Selected Cooperative Games for Children and Adults. – The Non Violence and Children Program.

1779. Haselbach B. (1987). Improvisation, Tanz, Bewegung. – Stuttgart. – 239 S.

1780. Heckhausen H. (1967). Anatomy of Achievement Motivation. – New York Academic.

1781. Heinemann Klaus (1978). Social Determinants of Engagement in Sports // The International Congress of Physical Activity Sciences. Physical Activity and Human Well-being, book 1. – Quebec, Symposia Specialists. – Р. 345–356.

1782. Heinemann K. (1980а). Einführung in die Soziologie des Sports. – Schorndorf: Hoffman-Verlag. – 242 S.

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1786. Heinemann Klaus (1998). Sport in post-modern society // Sport in the process of European Integration. International Symposium. Warsaw, 9-12 December. – Р. 27–38.