Инновационная концепция модернизации теории и практики физического воспитания (Столяров) - страница 560

1787. Heinemann Klaus (2005). Sport in the Welfare State – Situation and Challenges // Sport, Culture and Society. In Honour of Prof. Zbigniew Krawczyk / Ed. by J. Kosiewicz. – Warsaw. – Р. 335–344.

1788. Heinilä K. (1986). The Sports clubs as a social organization in Finland // International Review for the Sociology of Sport. N 24, vol. 3. – Р. 225–248.

1789. Helanko Rafael (1974). Classification of children’s outdoor games // Int. Review of Sport Sociology. – vol. 2 (9). – P. 103–106.

1790. Hemphill Dennis (2005). Cybersport // Journal of the Philosophy of Sport. – volume XXXII. number 2. – Р. 195–208

1791. Hendry Leo B., Anderson Alan J.B. (1978). Participation in Physical Activities: Towards a Typology?: Paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, Upsala, Sweden, August. – 37 p.

1792. Hoffmann D. (1984). Leibes-Übung. Eine Streitbuch über die neuen Moden in der Körperkultur. – Darmstadt: Luchterhand.

1793. Honer A. (1985). Bodybuilding als Sinnsystem. Elemente, Aspekte und Strukturen // Sportwissen-schaft. – N. 15. – S. 155–169.

1794. Hyland Drew A. (1988). Competition and Friendship // Philosophic Inquiry in Sport. Edited by William J. Morgan and Klaus V. Meier. – Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. – Р. 231–239.

1795. Hаhn Hаrlаn (1984). Sports and the Political Movement of Disabled Persons: Examining Nondisabled Social Values // The Review. Arena. – vol. 8, N. 1.– Р. 1–15.

1796. Ibrahim X. (1975). Sport and society: An introduction to sociology of sport. – Whittier (Cal.). – 243 p.

1797. Image of Sport in the World. – German Sport University Cologne, 1995.

1798. Jarvie Grant (2006). Sport Culture and Society: An Introduction. – London.

1799. Jirásek Ivo (2001). Body in cultural contexts // Physical Culture as a Component of Culture / Bohuslav Hodaň (Ed.). – Olomouc, Czech Republic: Publishing House HANEX. – Р. 50–70.

1800. Jochheim K.A. (1984). The Extent, Content and Organization of International Sport for Disabled in the Past, Present and Future // Sport and International Understanding: Proceedings of the Congress Held in Helsinki, Finland, July 7-10, 1982. – Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer-Verlag. – Р. 262–267.

1801. Joel R.Y. (1984). Encyclopedia of Sports and Games. Mudhuban educational books. – New Delhi.

1802. John G., Heard H. (1989). Handbook of sports and recreational building design. – London. v. 4.–289 р.

1803. Johncock C. (1988). The development of fitness program at Reynelia East High School // Achper National Journal. – N 120. – Р. 31–34.