Сапфировый крест (Честертон) - страница 3

It was he who had kept up an unaccountable and close correspondence with a young lady whose whole letter-bag was intercepted, by the extraordinary trick of photographing his messages infinitesimally small upon the slides of a microscope. A sweeping simplicity, however, marked many of his experiments.Большей частью аферы его были обезоруживающе просты.
It is said that he once repainted all the numbers in a street in the dead of night merely to divert one traveller into a trap.Говорят, он перекрасил ночью номера домов на целой улице, чтобы заманить кого-то в ловушку.
It is quite certain that he invented a portable pillar-box, which he put up at corners in quiet suburbs on the chance of strangers dropping postal orders into it.Именно он изобрел портативный почтовый ящик, который вешал в тихих предместьях, надеясь, что кто-нибудь забредет туда и бросит в ящик посылку или деньги.
Lastly, he was known to be a startling acrobat; despite his huge figure, he could leap like a grasshopper and melt into the tree-tops like a monkey.Он был великолепным акробатом; несмотря на свой рост, он прыгал, как кузнечик, и лазал по деревьям не хуже обезьяны.
Hence the great Valentin, when he set out to find Flambeau, was perfectly aware that his adventures would not end when he had found him.Вот почему, выйдя в погоню за ним, Валантэн прекрасно понимал, что в данном случае найти преступника - еще далеко не все.
But how was he to find him?Но как его хотя бы найти?
On this the great Valentin's ideas were still in process of settlement.Об этом и думал теперь прославленный сыщик.
There was one thing which Flambeau, with all his dexterity of disguise, could not cover, and that was his singular height.Фламбо маскировался ловко, но одного он скрыть не мог - своего огромного роста.
If Valentin's quick eye had caught a tall apple-woman, a tall grenadier, or even a tolerably tall duchess, he might have arrested them on the spot.Если бы меткий взгляд Валантэна остановился на высокой зеленщице, бравом гренадере или даже статной герцогине, он задержал бы их немедля.
But all along his train there was nobody that could be a disguised Flambeau, any more than a cat could be a disguised giraffe.Но все, кто попадался ему на пути, походили на переодетого Фламбо не больше, чем кошка - на переодетую жирафу.
About the people on the boat he had already satisfied himself; and the people picked up at Harwich or on the journey limited themselves with certainty to six. There was a short railway official travelling up to the terminus, three fairly short market gardeners picked up two stations afterwards, one very short widow lady going up from a small Essex town, and a very short Roman Catholic priest going up from a small Essex village.