Пять зёрнышек апельсина (Дойль) - страница 6

He had a garden and two or three fields round his house, and there he would take his exercise, though very often for weeks on end he would never leave his room.Когда Ли сложил оружие *2, мой дядя возвратился на свою плантацию, где прожил три или четыре года.
He drank a great deal of brandy and smoked very heavily, but he would see no society and did not want any friends, not even his own brother.В 1869 или 1870 году он вернулся в Европу и арендовал небольшое поместье в Сассексе, вблизи Хоршема.
"He didn't mind me; in fact, he took a fancy to me, for at the time when he saw me first I was a youngster of twelve or so.В Соединенных Штатах он нажил большой капитал и покинул Америку, так как питал отвращение к неграм и был недоволен республиканским правительством, освободившим их от рабства.
This would be in the year 1878, after he had been eight or nine years in England.Дядя был странный человек - жестокий и вспыльчивый.
He begged my father to let me live with him and he was very kind to me in his way.При всякой вспышке гнева он изрыгал страшные ругательства.
When he was sober he used to be fond of playing backgammon and draughts with me, and he would make me his representative both with the servants and with the tradespeople, so that by the time that I was sixteen I was quite master of the house.Жил он одиноко и чуждался людей.
I kept all the keys and could go where I liked and do what I liked, so long as I did not disturb him in his privacy.Сомневаюсь, чтобы в течение всех лет, прожитых под Хоршемом, он хоть раз побывал в городе.
There was one singular exception, however, for he had a single room, a lumber-room up among the attics, which was invariably locked, and which he would never permit either me or anyone else to enter.У него был сад, лужайки вокруг дома, и там он прогуливался, хотя часто неделями не покидал своей комнаты.
With a boy's curiosity I have peeped through the keyhole, but I was never able to see more than such a collection of old trunks and bundles as would be expected in such a room.Он много пил и много курил, но избегал общения с людьми и не знался даже с собственным братом.
"One day-it was in March, 1883-a letter with a foreign stamp lay upon the table in front of the colonel's plate.А ко мне он, пожалуй, даже привязался, хотя впервые мы увиделись, когда мне было около двенадцати лет.
It was not a common thing for him to receive letters, for his bills were all paid in ready money, and he had no friends of any sort.Это произошло в 1878 году.
'From India!' said he as he took it up,