Потерянный город Обезьяньего бога (Престон) - страница 186

Интервью и переписка автора со Стивом Элкинсом. 1997.

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The Fifth Letter of Hernan Cortes to the Emperor Charles V, translated from the original Spanish by Don Pascual de Gayangos. New York: Lenox Hill Publishers (Burt Franklin), 1970 (reprinted).

Begley C. and Cox E. Reading and Writing the White City Legend: Allegories Past and Future // Southwest Philosophy Review. 2007. Vol. 23. No. 1.

Stephens J. L. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Vol. 1, 2. New York: Dover Publications, 1969.

Conzemius E. Los Indios Payas de Honduras: Estudio Geográfico, Histо́rico, Etnográfico y Linguístico» // Journal de la Société des Américanistes. 1927. Vol. 19.

Strong W. D. 1936 Strong Honduras Expedition. Vol. 1, 2. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. (Неопубликованные дневники).

Strong W. D. Honduras Expedition Journal 1933. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. (Неопубликованный дневник экспедиции).

Solecki R. and Wagley C. William Duncan Strong, 1899–1962 // American Anthropologist. 1963. Vol. 65. No. 5.

Глава 4

Стюарт К. С. Страна джунглей. В поисках мертвого города. М.: 2013

Small L. M. A Passionate Collector. Washington, DC: Smithsonian magazine, 2000. No.11.

George Heye Dies; Museum Founder // New York Times, 1957. January 21.

Raphael L. Explorer Seeks Fabled Lost City; Spurns Weaker Sex Companionship // Calgary Daily Herald. 1934. June 16.

Frederick Mitchell-Hedges Dies; British Explorer and Author, 76 // New York Times. 1959. June 13.

Thompson J. E. S. Maya Archaeologist. London: Robert Hale, 1963.

Seek Cradle of Race in American Jungle // New York Times. 1931. January 24.

Hold-Up of Explorer in England Proves Hoax // New York Times. 1927. January 17.

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“City of Monkey God” Is Believed Located // New York Times. 1940. July 12.

Honduran Jungles Yield Indian Data // New York Times. 1940. August 2.

TV Producer a Suicide // New York Times. 1954. June 28.

Stewart C. S. Jungleland (op. cit).

National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution. Fifty-two unpublished accession catalog cards and photographs from the Theodore Morde Third Honduran Expedition.

Morde T. In the Lost City of Ancient America’s Monkey God // Milwaukee Sentinel. 1940. September 22.

Seek Long Lost City of Monkey God // Sunday Morning Star, United Press. 1940. April 7.

Theodore Ambrose Morde, 1911–1954 / Unpublished, bound volume of original documents, letters, articles, photographs, and typescripts by or relating to Theodore Morde. (Неопубликованные документы Морда, находящиеся в собственности семейства Морд).