Красивые люди (Бомонт) - страница 11

- Нет.
"If it's the bones you're worried about, well, that doesn't hurt.- Если тебя пугает обработка костей, так это же не больно.
They give you a shot and when you wake up, everything's moulded right. Everything, to suit the personality."Делают укол, а когда человек просыпается, его костям уже придана нужная форма с учетом индивидуальности.
"I don't care, I don't care."- Мне безразлично.
"But why?"- Но почему же?
"I like me the way I am." Almost-almost exactly. But not quite. Part of it, however. Part of what Daddy and Grandpa meant.- Я нравлюсь себе такой, какая я есть.
"But you're so ugly, dear!- Ты так уродлива, дорогая!
Like Dr. Hortel said.Даже доктор Хортел заметил это.
And Mr. Willmes, at the factory. He told some people he thought you were the ugliest girl he'd ever seen. Says he'll be thankful when you have your Transformation. And what if he hears of all this, what'll happen then?"А мистер Уилмс на заводе сказал кому-то, что, по его мнению, ты самая некрасивая девушка из всех, которых он видел.
"Daddy said I was beautiful."- А папа говорил, что я красивая.
"Well really, dear.- Ну что ты, милочка!
You do have eyes."У тебя, правда, неплохие глаза, но...
"Daddy said that real beauty is only skin deep.- Папа говорил, что истинная красота не во внешности человека, а в его душе.
He said a lot of things like that and when I read the books I felt the same way. I guess I don't want to look like everybody else, that's all." No, that's not it. Not at all it. "That man had too much to do with you. You'll notice that he had his Transformation, though!" "But he was sorry. He told me that if he had it to do over again, he'd never do it. He said for me to be stronger than he was." "Well, I won't have it. You're not going to get away with this, young lady. After all, I am your mother."Он говорил еще многое другое, и, когда я прочла книги, я поняла, что он прав...
A bulb flickered in the bathroom and Mrs. Cuberle walked uncertainly to the cabinet. She took out a little cardboard box.На стене вспыхнула и замерцала лампочка. Миссис Кьюберли нетвердой походкой направилась к шкафу и достала маленькую картонную коробочку:
"Time for lunch."- Пора завтракать.
Mary nodded.Мэри кивнула.
That was another thing the books talked about, which the tapes did not.Еще один момент, о котором писалось в книгах и не упоминалось в видеолентах.
Lunch seemed to be something special long ago, or at least different. The books talked of strange ways of putting a load of things into the mouth and chewing these things. Enjoying them.