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>‹‹322›› The role of gut microbiota in the gut-brain axis: current challenges and perspectives, Chen X, Protein Cell, June 2013, 4(6):403–14.

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>‹‹325›› Oxidation stability and fatty acid composition of selected storage and structural lipids: influence of different high fat diet compositions. The combination of sunflower oil and lard resulted in the highest amount of oxidation, compared to butter, lard, and partially hydrogenated oil, Nahrung, 1988, 32(4):365–74.

>‹‹326›› Mitochondrial formation of reactive oxygen species, Julyio F Turrens, Journal of Physiology, October 2003.

>‹‹327›› Chronic n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency alters dopamine vesicle density in the rat frontal cortex, Luc Zimmer, Neuroscience Letters 284,1–2 (2000): 25–28.

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>‹‹331›› Toxicity of oxidized fats II: tissue levels of lipid peroxides in rats fed a thermally oxidized corn oil diet. «В мозге содержится более высокий уровень липидпероксидов после употребления в пищу масла, несколько раз окисленного нагреванием».

>‹‹332›› Peroxyl radicals: inductors of neurodegenerative and other inflammatory diseases, their origin and how they transform cholesterol, phospholipids, plasmalogens, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sugars, and proteins into deleterious products, Spiteller G,