Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 5

Following the trade fair; Fred Max goes to a meeting at Purple Pears Inc.

S. Ball: Fred, how are vou? It’s nice to see you again.

F. Max: Fine* thanks. Simon, and vou?

S. Ball: Could be worse. I suppose.

F. Max: That doesn’t sound too good. What’s the problem?

S. Ball: We’ve had one or two hiccups at the Manchester production plant. I won’t bother

you with that now. I’m so glad you could come and see us here. I suggest that we begin with the meeting at 10 o’clock, after which I’ll show you around the factory. If you have time, I’d like to take you out to lunch afterwards. Come and meet our new consultant, Sarah Lee. Sarah, this is Fred Max, from Blue Bananas.

F. Max: I think we’ve met before. Didn’t you use to work for Cerise, in Nice?

S. Lee: Yes, I did, and I still do. How nice to see vou again! How are vou?

F. Max: Very well, thank vou. and vou? How’s business?

S. Lee: Going well, thank you. We’ve taken on several new members of staff since we

last met, and we have moved our offices to the centre of town.

S. Ball: I’m glad you could come to the meeting, Fred. We have a lot of things to dis

cuss. I’m afraid the sales director is a little late so we’ll have to start without him, but I’m sure we can manage!

F. Max: Right, let’s get down to business.

Seeing an old friend again

While visiting the factory, Fred meets an old acquaintance.

F. Max: Hello, do vou remember me? Fred Max.

B. Murdoch: Fred! What a turn up for the books! How nice to see you again! How are things?

F. Max: Not too bad. Funnily enough, James Bond was asking after you recently.

B. Murdoch: Have you got time for a coffee? Let’s go to the canteen for five minutes.

B. Murdoch: So, how’s business?

F. Max: Ticking along nicely. My wife won’t believe that I’ve run into you. Do call in

on us next time you’re near home.

B. Murdoch: I don’t get that wav very often, but it would be lovely. I’m sure I have your address in my little black book - I’ll give vou a ring. Well, I must be off. I have to go and pick up a new trainee from the station. Send my regards to Jane, won’t you?

F. Max: It was nice seeing you again...

Встреча со знакомым 2

Активный СЛОВАРЬ

Когда вы встречаете человека, которого уже знаете, вы можете вести себя официально или нет, в зависимости от ваших отношений с этим человеком.

Seeing someone again - formal Good morning, MrX, how are you?

\fery well, thank you, Mr Y. And you? Vfery well, thank you.

Seeing someone again — informal

Г"'---- " - V.:: V

Hello, Simon, how are you?