Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 65

r) Not at all. I’d prefer not to answer.


Упражнение 2 с. 93

a) How was the meeting, Simon?

b) \fery boring, unfortunately.

c) Would you like a coffee?

d) That is very kind of you.

e) Do you mind if I look at the minutes?

f) I’m afraid I have not got the minutes.

g) Never mind what was on the agenda!

h) I am not sure I have got a copy.

i) Could I ask if you took notes?

j) I would rather not answer that.

k) What is the best way to find out?

l) If I were you I would call someone else.

m) I do not agree it looks inefficient.

n) Try listening to the recording.

o) That is a good idea.

p) Can I help you?

q) That is all right I can manage.

r) May I go home now?

s) I would rather not because there is work to do.

t) Could I have some more coffee, then?

Упражнение 3 c. 94

a) Mr Meng Zu, welcome to SRN Inc.

b) How do you do. It’s nice to meet you.

c) How do you do. Would you like a cup of coffee?

d) That’s very kind of you.

e) I do apologise but the CEO is unable to be with us because we had an emergency at our Edinburgh plant.

0 That’s all right. We can sort everything out between the two of us.

g) May I use your fax?

h) I’m afraid it’s out of order at the moment.

i) Would you mind if I smoked?

j) I’d really rather you didn’t. I’m allergic to smoke.

k) What’s the best way to launch our new... ?

l) If I were you, I would employ an advertising agency.

You cannot hear: d), h), n), p)

The meaning is unclear: b), e), i), l), o), r)

You don’t understand correctly: c), g), k), m),


The speaker doesn’t know: a), 0, j), s)

Упражнение 3 c. 100

a) agenda = распорядок дня / appointment book, appointment diary

b) alter — изменить / to distort, to spoil

c) appointments — встреча, назначение на должность / salary, pay

d) benefits = выгода/profit

e) cargo = груз/ship, freighter

f) control =контролировать/inspect, check

g) current = действующий / ordinary, standard

h) delay = задержка/time, time limit

i) demand = требовать / to ask

j) disagreement = несогласие / annoyance, trouble

k) eventually = окончательно / maybe, perhaps, possibly

l) fabric = ткань / factory

m) formidable = ужасный / tremendous, fantastic

n) issue = вопрос, проблема, номер публикации / exit, way out, outcome

o) library = библиотека / bookshop

p) location = размещение, положение / hiring, renting

q) lunch = обед / buffet

r) passed = успешно сдать экзамен / to take an exam / to sit an exam

s) patent = патент на изобретение / Trading licence (UK), Business licence (US)