Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 8

Arriving at a company

Several people arrive at reception. The receptionist is neither filing her nails nor chatting to a friend on the telephone! In fact, she is up to her ears in work.

P. Chester: R.:

P. Chester: T. Elliot: R.:










Hmm. Good morning. Mv name is Peter Chester from Butler & Со. I have an appointment with Claude du Perron at quarter past eleven.

Good morning Mr Chester. Could you hold on a minute please. Г11 just see if he’s available.

Mr du Perron, this is reception. Mr Chester of Butler & Co. is here to see you. shall I send him up?

Mr Chester, Mr du Perron will be down to collect vou in a minute or two. Would you like to take a seat?

Thank you very much.

Good morning. I would like to see Ms Phillips please. Is she free at the moment? Do vou have an appointment?

No, I’m afraid I don’t.

Could you tell me your name, please?

Thomas Elliot.

Can you spell that, please?

T-H-O-M-A-S - E-double L-I-O-T.

Thank you. Could vou tell me what it is about?

I’m from Easy Insurance, and I would like to talk to her about company insurance. Please wait a minute, I’ll see if she’s free...

On the telephone

R.: Good morning, TLC Ltd. How can I help vou?

Caller: I’d like to speak to Mr du Perron, please.

R.: Who’s speaking please?

Caller: This is Sheila Jones from Hardword Inc.

R.: I’m afraid that Mr du Perron is on another line at the moment. Would vou like

to hold or can I take a message for vou?

Caller: I’ll hold, thank you.

R.: I’m afraid that Mr du Perron is still on the line. Would vou like to leave a message?

Caller: Yes please. Could vou tell him that Sheila Jones called about his latest order.

Could he call me back on 021 395 66 62 as soon as possible?

R.: Certainly. Can I iust read that number back to vou? 021 395 66 62.

Caller: That’s right. Thank vou for vour help.

R.: Thank vou for calling.

Активный СЛОВАРЬ

Introducing oneself

My name is... from...

I have an appointment with...

I would like to see Ms... please.

Is she free at the moment?

Answering a question

Could you tell me your name please? Can you spell that, please?

Could you tell me what it is about? Do you have an appointment?

No, I’m afraid I don’t.

Please wait a minute, I’ll see if she’s free.

Could you hold on a minute please? I’ll see if he’s available.

Making you comfortable

Wauld you like to take a seat?

Can I take your coat?

Would you like to come through / this way?

Mr X is on his way.

On the telephone

How can I help you?

I’d like to speak to..., please.

Who’s speaking please?