Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи (Аракин, Федуленкова) - страница 24

7. My fellow student is also picking up berries and mush­rooms (in the forest).
8. My fellow student is also having dinner (in the dining-room).
9. My fellow student is also swimming {in the water).
10. My fellow student is also coo king breakfast (In the kitch­en).
11. My fellow student is also taking a shower (in the bath' room).
Еж. VI p. 156
1. My father asks me why 1 donht read English newspa­pers.
2. Maggy asks me why lam Looking at her in that way.
3. My teacher says (that) J have got a number of mistakes in my translation.
4. Sim asks me what T am going to he when 1 leave the Insti­tute.
5. Г say (that) 1 am sure I am going to be a teacher.
6. He says (that) Italy ia in ihe South of Europe.
7. My cousin asks me when 1 nni coming to see them,
S. She says (tlmt) she likes the poem, (and) she is going to learn it by heart.
9. Mother asks us not lo be late for dinner.
10. Our teacher says (that) we must work more systemati­cal I y-
П' They ask us not stay here any longer as It is getting dark.
Lesson l'i\evc • *9
12. The girl says (that) they have a lot of English books at home.
IS. The child asks me what Iam doinp.
14. The mother asks him why he is crying and asks him to come up to her.
15. The boys say to the father (that) they want to help him.
16. Mr. Smith invites me to have dinner with them.
17. The mother toils the children to eat up their porridge.
18. The teacher asks us Lo find the Thames on the map,
19. They ask John not lo make so much noise as the baby is asleep.
Ex. XI, p. 165
A.1. I sec a dining room in the picture.
2. The Smiths arc in the dining room.
3. They are having breakfast.
4. Mrs. Smith is putting some cornflakes on the boy's plate.
5. The elder daughter is passing the sugar to her father.
6. No, he doesn't. John doesn't like sugar on his corn­flakes.
7. He prefers milk on his cornflakes.
8. Ann is already finishing her corn flakes.
9. Kitty doesn't Like cornflakes.
10– Kitty is just thirsty, she wants some lea and cakes.
11. Mr. Smith asks Ills wife to give him a little more corn­flakes.
12. Mrs. Smith doesn't ask her cider daughter to do any­thing.
13– The children are still talking over their corn flakes while their father is having his tea. в. 1. The two friends eo to the canteen.
2. For dinner they take mixed salad, chops and mashed po­tatoes, ч
3. They go to the canteen because it's high time to have a bite.
4. No, they don't– They don't always take soup for dinner.
Ь. The friends harry to Lhe meeting of their English club. 6. They must leave at once to he in time for the beginning of the discussion* Cr 1– I have breakfast st seven o'clock.