Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи - Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи

Упражнения, Задания: Ключи к Учебнику. Учебник является первой частью серии комплексных учебников для I - V курсов педагогических вузов. Цель учебника – обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных речевых навыков, развитие техники чтения, а также навыков письменной речи.

Читать Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи (Аракин, Федуленкова) полностью

Предлагаемая организация сичистгнттрлыгой, внеаудитор­ной работы студентов способствует более прочному усвоению ими активного вякабудяра и высвобождению значительной части аудиторного времени для творческой работы на изуча­емом иностранном языке.
Lesson Four
Ex. XII. p. 47
1. la she a doctor? — Yea, she is. She is a good doctor,
2. She ig seventeen {years old / years of age), isn't she? — Yea. she is.
3. Your brother is fourteen, isn't he? — Yes. he ia.
4. Is he fourteen or fifteen (years oldj? — He is fourteen.
5. This ball is small, isn't it? — Yes, it Is.
6. ta the pencil small or big? — It is big.
7. They are not busy* are they? — No, they are not. Й. He is busy, isn't he? — Yes* he is.
9. He is out, isn't he? — YesH he is. He is out,
10. He ia in. isn't he? — Yes, he ia.
11. It is a leather bag. isn't it? — Yes. it is.
12. Is it a difficult or an easy text? — It'aaneaay tent. / It's an easy one.
13. The text is not difficult, is it? — No.it isn't.
14. It's eleven (o'clock) now, isn't it? — Yes, it ia.
15. 1sitclevenortwelve{o'dock>now? — It's eleven (o'clock) (now)*
16. It la not twelve yet. is it? — No, it isn't. 1?. It is cold.
IS. Is it cold?
19. It ia cold, isn't it?
20. Is It cold or hot In the hall? — It'scold.
21. It isn't hot in the hall, is it? — No. it isn't.
22. Take the map (the lamp, the pen. the notebook / the ex­ercise book t the paper).
23. Don't take my ball (my bag, my pencil, my skates, my things).
24. Don’t home alone.
25. It'a dark. Go home.
Lesson Five
Ex. VIII, p. 60
1. No, lie isn't. Doctor Sandford Ls out,
2. Doctor Sandford Is still in the hospital.
3. No, she isn't, Mrs. Sandford is out.
4. Yea, she ia. Mrs, Sandford is in the park with Benny.
5. No, she isn't. She isn't in the garden.
6. But yes. she is. Old Mrs. Sandford is not well,
7. No, she isn't. Old Mrs. Sandford is not in bed.
3. Yes, she is. She is belter today.
9. Yes. he is. Mr. Sandford is at home after four on Satur­day.
10. He ia at home after four on Saturday. Ex. IK, p. во
1. Are they in the garden or in the park?
2. ls your slater at the Institute or at / in the library? 3– Is Doctor Sandford at the hospital or at home?
4. Is his wife in the park or in the yard?
5. fs the exercise easy or difficult?
6. Is Betty nineteen or twenty?
7. Is the hall big or small?
S. Arc you free on Saturday or on Sunday?
9. Are these leasons difficult or eaay?
10. Ia thisaentence longer short?
ь( 1. They are in the garden, aren't they?
2. Your sister is at the Institute, isn't she?
3. Doctor Sandford is nl the hospital, isn't he?