Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи (Аракин, Федуленкова) - страница 40

14. What wet {-known professors teach at the University?
15. What Libraries snd reading rooms are there at the Uni­versity?
1в. What facilities do they have for those who go in for sports?
17. What subjects does Ann take at the University? IB. Is there an English speaking club at their faculty?
19. What gives the students a good opportunity to master the language?
20. Why is Aim working hard at her pronunciation?
21. Whore do the students work with cassette recorders?
22. Does it help them to find out their mistakes and to get rid of them in the shortest possible time?
23. What does Ann ask Mary lo write about?
24. Whom does Ann send greetings at the end of her letter?
Ex. IX, p. 205
I, — 2. In, at 3. for 4, of G.on 6. at 7. in 8. — 9. for 10. —
II. lo 12. to 13. in for,at 14. with, — 15. to. in 16. of 17. of
18. from
Ex. Xa|,p. 205
1. Who left school in June? When did you leave sohool7 What {educational establishment)did you leave in June? What did you begin to do? Whatdid you begin to prepare for?
2. Whoentered the Institute more than J 00 years ago? What educational establishment did the first students enter more than 100 years ago? When did the first students enter the Institute?
3. Who gathered at my cousin's place to see the New Year in? Where did we all gather to see the New Year in? Why / On what occasion did we all gather at my cousin's place?
4. Whom was i just writing a letter note 1 when the doorbell rang and my brother entered? When was I just writing a letter to my brother?
Lesson –i>iir(een – П
XI. p. 205
1. — 2. the. the 3. —, — 4. — 5. the. the, the 6. a / the 7, a. IheB.a. the 9. a, the 10. the, —, —, — П. the, the 12. the, 13,-
Еи. XII, p. 206
1. I made up my mind to go For a walk as It was a pleasant evening.
2. We made up our minds to answer his question in written
3. He made up his mind to speak to the assistant dean about hie work.
4. Our cousin made up his mind logo to Lhe counlry for his
5. He made up his mind to recite his new pneni to his friends,
6. He mnde up his mind Lo gel an excellent mark in Eng­lish.
7. He made up his mind to master iwo foreign languages.
Ex. XIII, p. 206
1. lam fond of Tchaikovsky's music.
2. The girls were fond of spending time in the open air.
3. I am fond of swimming.
4. He is fond of Byron's poetry.
5. We ail are fond of Russian nature.
0. The old man was fond of this beautiful park.
Ex. XIV, p. 206
1. I can't help loving Replu's work, he isa great artist.
2. I couldn't help going to my sister's yesterday, it was my niece's birthday.