Николай Гоголь. Жизнь и творчество (Книга для чтения с комментарием на английском языке) (Манн) - страница 128

го́рница), a small room.

парвеню (Fr. parvenu), upstart; one that has risen above the station in life in which he was born.

казённая палата (hist.), in pre-revolutionary Russia, a province's board in charge of fiscal matters.

повытчик (hist.), registering clerk in charge of the safekeeping of papers received and clerical work.

пассаж, here: a sentence, description, reasoning.

храм Христа Спасителя, the Church of Christ the Saviour was built on the left bank of the Moskva River in 1837-83 after the project of the architect Thon; it was pulled down in the 1930s.

иным ключом, in a different way. Cf. бить (or кипе́ть) ключо́м, to bubble, to be agitated.

глава (arch.) = голова́, head.

ins Blaue (Ger.), into the skies.

нервистый (arch.), nervous, impassioned.

Масальский, Konstantin Petrovich Masalsky (1802–1861), Russian writer and critic, author of many historical novels and tales; in 1842-52 he was the editor of the journal Syn otechestva.

Полевой, Nikolai Alexeyevich Polevoi (see Notes to Ch. I). In 1841-42 Polevoi published the journal Russky vestnik (The Russian Herald).

в сей же самой (arch.), in the same.

Chapter 7

Чижов, Fyodor Vasilyevich Chizhov (1811–1877), Russian man of letters and scientist; associate professor of mathematics at St. Petersburg University.

Иордан, Fyodor Ivanovich Iordan (1800–1883), Russian artist and engraver, author of a gallery of portraits of Russian cultural figures.

Римская Кампанья, Roman Campagna, a hilly plain in Italy. The name is also used in reference to the environs of Rome.

Карлсбад, Karlsbad (now Karlovy Vary), health resort in Austria-Hungary (now in Czechoslovakia).

аще не умрёт (arch.), unless he dies, if he does not die.

Феникс, Phoenix, a legendary bird that was consumed in fire by its own act and rose in youthful freshness from its own ashes.

Колизей, the Colosseum (Coliseum), a monument of Ancient Rome; its vast arena was designed for gladiatorial combats and other events.

Монте-Пинчио, Monte Pincio, an area of Rome; a hill with a pine grove.

Бамберг, Bamberg, a town in Bavaria (Germany).

лихоимство (arch.), bribery, venality.

зальцбруннское письмо, Belinsky’s letter to Gogol of July 15, 1847 (New Style), written in the town of Salzbrunn (Germany).

Толстой, Alexander Petrovich Tolstoy (1801–1873), high-ranking official; governor of Odessa, and later of Tver; he subsequently became the Procurator General of the Holy Synod.

Апраксина, Sofya Petrovna Apraksina (1800–1886), sister of Alexander Tolstoy, widow of Major-General V. Apraksin.

Остенде, Ostend, Belgian health-resort on the North Sea.