Николай Гоголь. Жизнь и творчество (Книга для чтения с комментарием на английском языке) (Манн) - страница 129

дабы (arch.), in order to.

Базили, Konstantin Mikhailovich Bazili (1809–1884), Russian diplomat, historian and writer.

Одесса, Odessa, port town on the Black Sea in southwestern Russia.

Пушкин, Lev Sergeyevich Pushkin (1805–1852), younger brother of Alexander Pushkin; military officer and official.

Комаров, Alexander Alexandrovich Komarov (d. 1874), Russian poet; he taught Russian letters at the Second Cadet Corps of St. Petersburg.

Григорович, Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich (1822–1899), Russian writer of the "natural" school, author of stories and novels (The Village, Anton Goremyka, The Fishermen, etc.).

Гончаров, Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov (1812–1891), Russian writer. Among his best-known works are A Common Story, Oblomov and The Precipice.

Дружинин, Alexander Vasilyevich Druzhinin (1824–1864), Russian writer and literary critic.

Калуга, Kaluga, town in European Russia on the Oka River; central town of a province (now, of a region).

Абрамцево, Abramtsevo, the Aksakov family country estate (after 1843) near Zagorsk, in Moscow Province. Today it is the site of a museum.

Даль, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801–1872), Russian writer, ethnographer, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dal wrote short stories, short novels and sketches; but he is famous for his Interpretative Dictionary of the Living Russian Language in 4 volumes.

Веневитинов, Alexei Vladimirovich Venevitinov (1806–1872), brother of the poet D. Venevitinov; high-ranking official and philologist.

Стурдза, Alexander Skarlatovich Sturdza (1791–1854), formerly an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who wrote on religious and political matters.

зазы́в (arch.), invitation.

Толчёнов, Alexander Pavlovich Tolchyonov (d. 1888). dramatist, actor of the Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg; later he played in the théâtres of Odessa.

цезура, caesura, a break in the flow of sounds m a Une of verse, marked usually by a rhetorical pause.

Оптина Пустынь, Optina Pustyn, a monastery in the former Kaluga Province, 2 km. from the town of Kozelsk.

Оболенский, Dmitry Alexandrovtch Obolensky (1822–1881), an official; author of valuable memoirs devoted to Gogol.

Шумский, Sergei Vasilyevich Shumsky (1820–1878), actor; from 1841 on, he played at Moscow’s Maly Theatre.

Арнольди, Lev Ivanovich Arnoldi (1822–1860), half brother of Alexandra Smirnova (sec Notes to Ch. 4); he held a job at the office of the Kaluga Governor. Author of memoirs about Gogol.

причаститься (eccl.), to receive the euchanst.

Чернышевский, Nikolai Gavnlovich Chernyshevsky (1828–1889), Russian writer, critic, publicist and scholar of the Revolutionary-Democratic trend. Among his works are the novels