Восстань и убей первым (Бергман) - страница 554

Ross Michael. The Volunteer: A Canadian’s Secret Life in the Mossad. Tel Aviv: Miskal, 2007.

Rubin Barry and Judith Colp-Rubin. Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography. Tel Aviv: Miskal, 2006.

Rubinstein Danny. The Mystery of Arafat. Or Yehuda, Israel: Kinneret Zmora-Bitan Dvir, 2001.

Sagie Uri. Lights Within the Fog. Tel Aviv: Miskal – Yedioth Ahronoth, 1998.

Scharia David. The Pure Sound of the Piccolo: The Supreme Court of Israel, Dialogue and the Fight Against Terrorism. Srigim, Israel: Nevo, 2012.

Schiff Ze’ev and Ehud Ya’ari. Israel’s Lebanon War. New York: Schocken, 1984.

Seale Patrick. Assad. Tel Aviv: Ma’arakhot, 1993.

Segev Shmuel. Alone in Damascus: The Life and Death of Eli Cohen. Jerusalem: Keter, 2012. First published 1986.

–. The Iranian Triangle: The Secret Relation Between Israel-Iran-U.S.A. Tel Aviv: Ma’ariv, 1981.

–. The Moroccan Connection. Tel Aviv: Matar, 2008.

Segev Tom. Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends. Jerusalem: Keter, 2010.

Senor Dan and Saul Singer. Start Up Nation. Tel Aviv: Matar, 2009.

Shabi Aviva and Ronni Shaked. Hamas: Palestinian Islamic Fundamentalist Movement. Jerusalem: Keter, 1994.

Shai Nachman. Media War: Reaching for the Hearts and Minds. Tel Aviv: Miskal – Yedioth Ahronoth and Chemed, 2013.

Shalev Aryeh. The Intifada: Causes and Effects. Tel Aviv: Papyrus, 1990.

Shalom Zaki and Yoaz Hendel. Defeating Terror. Tel Aviv: Miskal, 2010.

Shamir Yitzhak. As a Solid Rock. Tel Aviv: Yedioth Ahronoth, 2008.

Shapira Shimon. Hezbollah: Between Iran and Lebanon. Bnei Brak, Israel: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2000.

Sharon Gilad. Sharon: The Life of a Leader. Tel Aviv: Matar, 2011.

Shay Shaul. The Axis of Evil: Iran, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Terror. Herzliya, Israel: Interdisciplinary Center, 2003.

–. The Islamic Terror and the Balkans. Herzliya, Israel: Interdisciplinary Center, 2006.

–. The Never-Ending Jihad. Herzliya, Israel: Interdisciplinary Center, 2002.

–. The Shahids: Islam and Suicide Attacks. Herzliya, Israel: Interdisciplinary Center, 2003.

Sheleg Yair. Desert’s Wind: The Story of Yehoshua Cohen. Haqirya, Israel: Ministry of Defense, 1998.

Sher Gilad. Just Beyond Reach. Tel Aviv: Miskal, 2001.

Shilon Avi. Menachem Begin: A Life. Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2007.

Shimron Gad. The Execution of the Hangman of Riga. Jerusalem: Keter, 2004.

–. The Mossad and Its Myth. Jerusalem: Keter, 1996.

Shomron David. Imposed Underground. Tel Aviv: Yair, 1991.

Shur Avner. Crossing Borders. Or Yehuda, Israel: Kinneret Zmora-Bitan Dvir, 2008.

–. Itamar’s Squad. Jerusalem: Keter, 2003.